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Gamine Image Identity Characteristics: Often uninterested in beauty tips. Fun, energetic, enthusiastic. Bold, bouncy, snappy, spunky charmer; usually well respected. The Bold Img.ID (bold, spunky, fun) Gamine’s Motto: Do it,

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Gamine Video

Strong, witty, hardworking, fun, the Gamine is often a fearless leader or coach. The Gamine clothing personality (which I call the Casual Beauty) is like a calla lily. Sturdy and full

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Gamine – the Bold Beauty

Some women are strong, spunky and secure in their opinions. The Gamine clothing personality is average to short in stature,  but she is not fragile: not in build, and not

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Gamine Eve

Eve was confused when Satan asked her in Genesis 3:1: “has God indeed said, ‘you shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” (Doesn’t he do that to us?

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Spunky Gamine Girl

  The Gamine is a strong, spunky woman who is short in stature, but not necessarily petite. She may be stocky or slender, but she is never fragile: not in build,

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Empowering women with Confident Beauty, which doesn’t wear off like makeup does! I am a personal stylist without the shopping obsession. My message is not as much about what to

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Does Your Image Speak Truth?

Your outfit could be completely undermining your credibility. How you dress is an indication of who you are and how you care about yourself, which in turn shows us how you will or will not care about others… which is really all that matters to anyone. Do you care about me?

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New Year, New Closet

Every garden needs to be weeded on a regular basis, but there are times when it needs a complete tilling. Your closet is no different. If you have been staying up on your wardrobe, discarding, giving and removing items that do not suit your style, then you may not need to join us in our complete clean out today. 

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What is a Supreme MakeOver?

After more than three decades in cosmetology, I’ve learned a few “tricks of the trade” but my makeovers, and the confidence they seemed to offer, wear off. Supreme MakeOvers don’t.

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New Beginnings

There is something about a fresh start that is truly inspirational. The pandemic has stretched us all but, somehow, the start of a new year–even if it still requires facial coverings and social distancing–is a breath of fresh air. 2020 changed our perspective on life in many ways. Between the shut downs, protests, politics, loss and threats of sickness, we have all done a little soul searching. Although most of us would typically be setting goals and making resolutions right now, it seems that, this January, we simply want to start over.

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