Category: Faith

  • Expecting Love on Valentine’s Day


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    Love is in the air–or at least it should be–it’s Valentine’s Day! What are you expecting today? Most of us want to be in a strong and romantic relationship with a perfect mate who gives, says and does exactly as you want him (or her) to but this seldom our reality–even in a happy marriage.…

  • Unique and Confident About It

    How do you catch a unique woman? You ‘neak up on her. Actually, I think the key may be to study her; and girls, perhaps it’s time we understood ourselves so that our Valentine is more apt to want to catch us. Seriously, as I have been spreading the word about my new book, Confident…

  • Free to Feel


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    I am so proud of my daughter. Since Christmas she has been learning to play the guitar. She’s a Dramatic and has always taken good care of her nails, but has had to sacrifice their length for her new passion to play the strings. After having long nails for so long, the tips of her…

  • Free from Confidence Crushers

    You and I face Confidence Conflicts every day. Some of them are self-inflicted because we allow our minds to dwell on our own imperfections, inadequacies and mistakes. Others are inflicted on us by the human (and sometimes evil) nature of others. But when these conflicts arise we need to decide: Will we let the insults and inflictions…

  • The Secret to Confidence


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    Most Confidence Conflicts are rooted in the human need for validation. Which woman amongst us doesn’t want to be seen, heard and loved? Don’t we all want to be valuable to someone? How often do you need to hear you are accepted and appreciated? A typical male response to these common female needs (Not that…

  • Good-hair Confidence

    Most men don’t get it. Casual Img.IDs (Naturals and sometimes Gamines) struggle to understanding it, too–well, actually they don’t really try to understand it, they just think the less-casual women are foolish or shallow–but a bad-hair day can really rock a girl’s confidence! Most of us don’t want to admit it when we feel down and…

  • Confidence Conflicts

    Confidence Conflicts come in shapes and sizes. Sometimes it’s the snide remark of a friend or a glare of an enemy. Other times it’s the lack of response from your man or the doubting of your mom. Or… How about this one: the disappointing service of your waitress. (It’s happened to me a couple of…

  • Freedom of Forgiveness


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    This was about 10 years ago now, but I vividly remember the day I made a $20,000 mistake in my husband’s business account. It seems like he has forgotten it. He has never brought it up; neither have-I until now (why not put it on the internet, right?). There are not many relationships where I…

  • What’s in Your Mirror?

    You are who you believe you are. If you do not know who you are, your confidence will waver. If you believe a lie about yourself (like you are ugly/weak/unwanted), you will be self-conscious, and no matter how beautiful your image is, you will not give others confidence in you. Sometimes what women see in…

  • Abigail’s Story


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    This Sunday let’s spend our time in the scriptures that tell the story of Abigail. Now there was a man in Maon whose business was in Carmel, and the man was very rich. He had three thousand sheep and a thousand goats. And he was shearing his sheep in Carmel. The name of the man was…

  • The First Twisted-Truth


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    God created her to be beautiful, confident and free to BE and LET BE, but Eve listened to her Creator’s enemy. He told her a twisted-Truth which changed the course of time forever. You find the story in Genesis, chapters 1-3. Rather than me blogging about it, being that today is Sunday, let’s just meditate…

  • Naked and Unashamed

    It may seem like a “Christianeze” to say you were created to be “like God” because this is not an easy concept to grasp, depending on what you have experienced in life. Most of us have an especially hard time trying to grasp the idea that a woman’s desire to be beautiful is actually part…