Do You Have a Laid-back, Casual Kid?



Some children are very calm, cool and collected.

Every two-year-old has their tantrums, but some kids are less concerned about getting their way. Casual children are laidback and tend to go with the flow. It may seem, at times, that they simply don’t care but in reality, the Natural Clothing Personality has a gift for seeing the bigger picture. If your child has an optimistic outlook on life even when things don’t go their way, he or she may be a Casual Kid.

Big kids   

Most Naturals are broad boned and tall in height unless they have a combined Image Identity (Img.ID). Weight is sometimes an issue for this Img.ID because of their structure, but most Naturals are active in sports and nature and usually able to keep their weight under control.  

Casual kids are faithful, low-maintenance friends. Their simplistic outlook and optimistic nature are encouraging and easy to be around. Their laid-back style, however, can be hard for parents to motivate.  As we raise our children, we would be wise to study their heart.

The way your child responds to chores is a big indicator of his or her Img.ID:

C: disciplined but lacking detail
N: laid-back and unconcerned
D: detailed and exceptional
I: responsible but slow
R: creative and compassionate
G: determined and self-motivated

Click the letter to learn more about that Image Identity, including What2Wear.

To take my FREE quiz and learn your (or your child’s) Image Identity, click here.

I liken the Natural to a sunflower or daisy. Girls with this clothing personality (or Image Identity/Img.ID) have a Casual Beauty. Like the flower, with great strength and simple, pure beauty, girls with this clothing personality are seldom interested in the glitz and glamor of fashion. In fact, frills and details make them frustrated. 

I use a tree to represent each of the male clothing personalities because they typically prefer looking strong over looking good. But beauty isn’t very important to the Natural girls either, which is why many of them begin to feel out of place in the feminine world.  

Boys who are the Natural style are also laidback and nature-driven. The “Casual Attraction” is like a great Oak Tree, which stands higher and stronger than most other trees and require very little attention. Children with a casual nature are simple and sporty. 

Naturals are tall in height and have a broad frame. 

There is a reason why each Img.ID has a motto for What2Wear. It’s a bit of a catch 22: Your clothing personality is determined by what you look like, your best look is determined by your clothing personality.  

Katy In my new book, Know Who You Are–for Kids!, it is the Natural girl, Katy, who is struggling with her body image and the Natural boy, Colby, who helps her see the bigger picture so that she let’s go of the desire to change who she is and instead decides to be the best version of her true self. 

Every child will question their identity at some point in their lives. It is my great desire that all kids, no matter which style(s) they are, will find the confidence to be who they were designed to be.

Katy and Colby are tall and strong, they are each casual kids. 

Would you join me in telling moms, dads and educators about the various clothing personalities so that more kids will find the confidence to be his/her true self? Please share the news about this book any way you can. (Writing a book review on Amazon or Goodreads is super helpful!)

Write a book review to be entered to win a free Supreme MakeOver Image Assessment.


Catrina Welch has been helping others with their image for more than 30 years. As a licensed  cosmologist, certified image consultant and Biblical life-coach, she is well aware that the greatest antidote for any Image Issue is to know who you are. She has developed a systematic way of doing image assessments for large groups, which she calls a “Supreme MakeOver.” Catrina’s new children’s book, Know Who You Are–for Kids! is now available on Amazon >> click here >>to purchase the paperback or kindle book now at the introductory rate!

Write a book review to be entered to win a free Supreme MakeOver Image Assessment. For more information, Contact or connect with her on Facebook, Twitter,  Pinterest, Linked In, Goodreads  and consider having her present at your next event. Visit for more information.


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