Image-Coach Reveals the 6 Clothing Personalities Through the Story of Katy’s Struggle with Self-esteem.
CAPE COD, Ma. (May 22, 2019) – The next generation is struggling with serious body image issues and it’s imperative that we help them. Parents play a vital part in how children see themselves, but this sensitive topic is not easy to discuss. With her latest book, author, Catrina Welch, taps her 30-plus years in the beauty industry to teach children confidence before their image becomes a life-long hang up. With a fun story, beautiful illustrations and suggested questions, this book unlocks a profound and pivotal message that could save your child from struggling with low self-esteem.
Like various flowers and trees, each boy and girl is beautiful and strong in their own way!
Journey with Katy as she lets go of comparison and learns to appreciate her individuality. As she finds the confidence to be who she was designed to be, so, too, will your child.
“The two biggest hurdles I face when helping a client let go of her insecurities about her image, is the expectations she put on herself as a child and the way society encourages her to change how she looks, ” says Welch. “Imagine how confident the next generation will be when they learn to accept and appreciate their distinct, authentic style while they are still young.”
Like caring for flowers or trees, it is beneficial to understand which species you are working with.
- Each of Katy’s friends represents one of the 6 clothing personalities, carefully illustrated to display the physical attributes and personal interests of that child. Flowers (girls) or trees (boys) also illustrate the various styles within creation.
- Small print conversation starters lead the reader in discussing how the child feels about who they are and how they look. The story shows the various ways children handle a low self-image.
- Table of Contents matches each of Katy’s friends to their clothing personality, each of which is explained at the end of the book to help parents clarify which style their child is.
Know Who You Are – for Kids! Katy Finds the Confidence to Be Her True Self By Catrina Welch
Release date: July 3, 2019 Available for pre-order soon! 37 pages, 8.5”x 8.5” $12.99
Catrina Welch has been helping others with their image for more than 30 years. As a licensed cosmologist, certified image consultant and Biblical life-coach, she is well aware that image issues are far more difficult for some styles than they are for others and that the greatest antidote is to know who you are. She has developed a systematic way of doing image assessments for large groups, which she calls a “Supreme MakeOver.” Catrina has written three other books about image, including “Confident Beauty: Reflecting the One Who Made You, with the Images in your Mirror and in your Soul.”
Catrina is offering free Supreme MakeOver Image Assessment events during her book launch campaign. For more information, email, connect with Catrina on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked In and Goodreads or consider having her present at your next event. Visit for more information on Supreme MakeOvers.