Party Anxiety

imagesAre you feeling anxious about attending a formal affair this Christmas? You are not alone. I want to encourage you that you can feel more confident about yourself and choosing your attire for such an occasion could actually be a fun thing! When know how to achieve “your look” you can get ready for your party and then forget about yourself and focus on the people and the event.

A woman of Confident Beauty has more fun (blonde or not)!

I want to help you not only learn how to give yourself a beautiful makeover, but to help you experience a “Supreme MakeOver.”

What is the difference between a “makeover” and a “Supreme MakeOver”?

  • A makeover changes how we look.
  • A Supreme MakeOver changes who we are.
  • A makeover changes how we feel about ourselves for today.
  • A Supreme MakeOver changes what we believe about ourselves forever.

Before we can change what we believe about ourselves, we first have to take a good look at what we already believe. Take a moment to really search your soul. I want you to think about the things that have touched you emotionally regarding your image (Perhaps you don’t intend to you to that party because you don’t know what to wear?).

  • How do you feel when you have to stand before others?
  • How do you feel in a room full of beautiful people?
  • Have you ever surprised yourself with something you did or said that, after thinking about it, you now know was really all about how you felt about your image?

All you do and say, and even how you dress, comes down to what you believe. It is your Modus Operandi (MO), a Latin term for what really matters at the core of your soul, what drives you. There is a part, a signature aspect, of our MO that remains a constant and enduring part of each of us, (such as the desire to be lovely.) But our MO is a learned behavior that evolves over time as we gain experience in life. Each of us continually reshapes our MO to meet the demands of life and expectations (ours as well as others.)

In other words, we all want to be lovely to someone. As we experience life we make decisions about how we will meet that desire, or allow others to meet it, or we guard ourselves against ever trusting someone to meet that need again. Can you think of any examples of how your MO has changed as you have experienced victories and defeats in your life?


Catrina Welch is an image- and life-coach whose message is not as much “what not to wear” as it is, “Know Who You Are,” which is the title of her book of guidelines for your personal image identity. Catrina has also written a Bible study to help women overcome their confidence conflicts; it is titled Supreme MakeOver: a Rich and Refreshing Devotional Experience. Her other books include Footprints Through the Sand: a Consolidation of Life-altering stories about Loving and Losing a Trisomy-18 Baby and Confident Beauty: Reflecting the One Who Made You with the Images in Your Mirror and Your Soul, which will be available in book stores this spring. All of these books are available now at

If you are interested in having Catrina come speak to your friends, colleagues or ministry you can contact her on facebook or by email at



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