Self Image Through they eyes of a Blind Woman



I am excited to share with you the words of a beautiful woman whose life experiences intrigued me so much that I asked her to share her heart with you. If you know someone feeling the pressure to be like others, please share this with them. We go through things in life in order to be more helpful to others going through similar things. Thank you Kayla, may we all learn not to waist our pain.

The media taught me what I should look like.  

I was totally blind, in high school, and longing to be noticed when I received a Braille edition of a summer issue of Seventeen magazine. I never thought I was beautiful, even though others had told me I was, but that issue sent my already insecure brain went into a spiral. I learned there were different styles of people, but they all had to be fit, skinny, and toned, which I was not.

I listened to a lot of teen dramas and learned about girls who wouldn’t eat in order to lose weight. I tried  binge eating and dieting until my mother put a stop to it.

I was always the “little sister” type to boys. When I went to my state’s school for the blind, I began to date. All of the relationships came to an unfortunate end. They were either unfaithful to me or I was too clingy towards them. With each break up, I felt as if it was all my fault and I hated myself.

Because I cannot judge my own appearance in the mirror, I need to go by what others tell me and after my experiences with boys, my estimation of myself was “ugly.” As I found healing from my hurts, I began to see that I was “average” but not very pretty, and certainly not beautiful. I recently dropped out of college and decided to get back to the basics and find out who the real Kayla was.

I began freelance writing this year and wanted to give myself a makeover to get a fresh start in life. That is when I did research on clothing personalities. I was a tomboy for most of my childhood and wasn’t really sure who I was in my teens. Now, being a young adult, I figured it was time to find my authentic style.

I wanted the sweet, youthful look again. I wanted to gain my innocence back.

I found Catrina’s website and went through the styles and Ingénue kept coming back to my mind. Even though I have built up this strong exterior, I figured out that the Delicate Beauty is my truest style, except for some physical features. I reached out to Catrina and was so excited that the day she said she could help me was my birthday.

I am an Ingénue.

From the moment Catrina did my image assessment, I have felt better. Certain things that I hated about myself now make sense and I am learning to deal with them. I now know what style of clothes, makeup, and hair suit me. I have decided not to be like anyone else! God has made other women into the Img.ID that He wanted them to be and I am the way I am, because He wanted me this way.

I know I may have more ups and downs in my confidence, even though I know I am of a certain beauty, but I have a foundation and now appreciate my own value. My Supreme MakeOver was one of the best birthday presents I have ever received.

To take Catrina’s IFREE online mage Assessment Quiz, click here.


As an author and speaker, my passion is in helping women and girls overcome confidence conflicts, especially those involving rejection, betrayal and loss. After 30 years in the beauty industry as both a cosmetologist and an image consultant, I love to use my profession, along with my experiences and training as a Biblical life-coach to help others struggling. If you want to make difference, too, would you become  part of this movement and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter Pinterest, Linked In, Goodreads  or consider having me speak at your next event. Visit for more information.

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