Tag: beauty battle

  • Do Ashes Cover your Beauty?

    My nieces were leaning on the edges of their seats, intrigued by the age-old story of Cinderella. My daughter was playing the role of the mistreated orphan who didn’t give up when life dealt her difficulties. Watching her performance through the eyes of the children had me reminiscing of the days when Tori’s  dream of being…

  • Hate the Dark, Bumpy Circles Around your Eyes?

    The next time you wash your face, pay attention to your eyes. Your daily routine may be the reason for the dark, bumpy skin that circles your eyes and causes you Confidence Conflicts. A simple change in that routine could be the very thing that fixes the problem. We naturally protect our eyes. When any…

  • When Beauty Triggers Ugly

    When Beauty Triggers Ugly

    By definition, an Ingénue (pronounced: änjəˌno͞o) is an innocent or unsophisticated young woman, especially one in a play or film. The Ingénue Image Identity is the Delicate Beauty. She typically has tight skin, a petite figure, softly feminine facial features and a sweet, gentle voice. Ingénues are almost always assumed younger

  • Your Strength is the Battlefield for your Confidence

    By definition, anything dramatic is theatrical, obvious, exciting, exaggerated, striking. The Dramatic Image Identity has a penchant and passion for the arts, fashion and beauty. Because of this woman’s strength is her eye for detail and gift in creativity, she also does  well in areas of architecture and design. Dramatics are tall women with long, straight features and bold coloring…

  • How Confidence and Beauty Intertwine

    When a woman believes she looks beautiful, she feels confident. When a woman is confident, she radiates beauty. It really doesn’t matter which style she is nor how tall, slim or old she is. The color of her eyes, hair or skin do not change the fact, nor does her nationality, upbringing or experiences in…

  • Does Beauty Embarrass You?

    Does Beauty Embarrass You?

    When dealing with a client, most professionals are taught to avoid talking about religion or politics, but there are two other topics that I believe make people even more uncomfortable: success and beauty.  The real issue: vulnerability Religion and politics make people squeamish because it’s difficult to have a heart-to-heart with someone for fear that…

  • A Woman’s Right to be Beautiful

    A Woman’s Right to be Beautiful

    Boys want to be strong. This is a well known and accepted fact of life. It is socially appropriate to encourage a boy to develop his strength as he becomes a man. We don’t condemn a grown man for this core desire. In fact, we are wise women if we allow our husbands and boys opportunities…

  • Don’t Let Christmas Kill your Confidence

    Don’t Let Christmas Kill your Confidence

    It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everywhere we go silver bells and mistletoes are setting the mood to start shopping. Yesterday I stood in line at a local department store for more than 20 minutes! I love shopping, but before giving in to all the pressure to spend my time and money on…

  • Morning Makeover Meditation

    Morning Makeover Meditation

    As a hairdresser, I have had many women sit in my chair and request a completely new style. I look at them, with their hair soaking wet and at its worst and see in my mind all sorts of options. But that’s my gift. They look in the mirror and see a mess and all…

  • When Words Crush Your Spirit

    When Words Crush Your Spirit

    “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Injuries can crush the body. When someone strikes us, we hurt. The stronger our physical body, the less likely the damage, of course, but there is no question that sticks and stones can break our bones. And when we are injured, no…

  • What’s Your Self-Worth?

    What’s Your Self-Worth?

    Read any article on beauty and you are bound to find the word “confidence” somewhere.  Without a doubt, as women we feel better about our self-worth when we feel good about our appearance. Although it is certainly a catch 22, a more effective approach to satisfying this innate longing for beauty is to focus more on…

  • The Overlooked Cause of Acne

    The Overlooked Cause of Acne

    When acne flairs up a girl’s confidence deflates. Google how to treat this common skin condition and you might find an ad promoting a suicide hotline. Not only does acne cause a huge conflict with our confidence, but it has a way of rearing it’s ugly head in times when our self-worth is so crucial. I’m not…