Tag: relationships

  • You Know You are Dramatic if…

    You Know You are Dramatic if…

    The Dramatic is a fast-paced, hardworking woman who is not afraid to take risks. She has a daring nature that is seemingly uninhibited by the influences around her but the truth is she often has a very sensitive spirit.  She is like an exotic flower, of which, of course, there are many kinds. I use…

  • You are the Apple of God’s Eye

    You are the Apple of God’s Eye


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    If there is anything that can frustrate a person and draw out their truest character, it is misjudgment. Tell a friend you think they are being so kind and generous because they want something from you, discipline a child for something their sibling did, challenge a professional with the accusation that they don’t know what…

  • Confidence vs. Independence. 

    Confidence vs. Independence. 


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    One of the greatest Confidence Conflicts a woman faces is in witnessing her children’s growing independence. A mamma’s heart is knit so closely to her child that with each stage of his maturing her heart feels a painful tearing as he needs her less and less. This heartache don’t only happen with our children’s independence;…

  • 5 Lessons from a Boat Wreck

    5 Lessons from a Boat Wreck



    We were enjoying a beautiful brunch overlooking the deep Caribbean Sea when suddenly the cruise ship began to shake with the force of an unanticipated change in speed and direction. It seemed as though something was wrong, but as we looked around the other guests didn’t seem concerned. “Is that a buoy out there?” I asked…

  • How Your Image Issue can Kill Your Friend’s Confidence

    How Your Image Issue can Kill Your Friend’s Confidence

    You thought your house was clean, and then that surprise visitor stops by. Suddenly you see the dust and details that you had overlooked in the home where you feel so comfortable. If you have had this experience, you are not alone. Even when we prepare for company, and we think our place looks great,…

  • A Mother is Only as Happy as Her Most Miserable Child.

    A Mother is Only as Happy as Her Most Miserable Child.


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    The moment a woman becomes a mother, her life changes.  The very thought of life within her alters her existence. Caring for, nurturing and meeting the needs of her child becomes her purpose and priority. With the cry of his arrival, her needs no longer bear weight compared to his. Whether it’s the dark of night or the…

  • 3 Ways Women Seek Significance

    3 Ways Women Seek Significance

    They say there are two types of women in the world: the ones who walk into a room and say, “Here I am!” the ones who walk into a room and say, “Oh, there you are!” Of course we would all prefer to be the second type, but in reality, most of us are not.…

  • Confident Boundaries with Children


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    Picture a white picket fence around a beautiful home, this is the analogy Henry Cloud gives In his books about Boundaries to create an image of our responsibilities in life. We each have a home. We may share our home, but within our common space there are times and places of privacy. Our lives are not easily separated from…

  • To Be Bold on the Journey, we Must Find our Voice.


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    I have had the honor of writing a guest blog for Rachel Britton. I thought it only right to share it with my friends as well. God knows, we all need a little encouragement in order to be bold on the journey of life. This is the theme of Rachel’s blog, and it was a joy…

  • How New Year’s Resolutions Can Kill Your Confidence

    How New Year’s Resolutions Can Kill Your Confidence


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    There is nothing like a fresh start, a chance to begin again, an opportunity to make changes. Tomorrow we celebrate 2015, take a good look at the past and then, with the sticking of midnight, we put another year behind us. New Years Day we will dream of what’s to come, aspire to new plans…

  • Celebrating Christmas with Confidence

    Celebrating Christmas with Confidence


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    As you wrap up the last of your Christmas gifts, do you wonder if maybe you didn’t do enough? I do! There are some people that I wanted to bless this season and didn’t even find the time to shop for. There’s others that I wish I could have done more for but the gift giving is restricted…

  • When Words Crush Your Spirit

    When Words Crush Your Spirit

    “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Injuries can crush the body. When someone strikes us, we hurt. The stronger our physical body, the less likely the damage, of course, but there is no question that sticks and stones can break our bones. And when we are injured, no…