To Stay or Not to Stay at Home


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There is a familiar debate rising in our society after Hilary Rosen’s comments last week about Ann Romney saying, she “has actually never worked a day in her life.” Many stay at home moms are insulted. Once again our nation is fighting out the question: does a stay-at-home-mom work? Is she less of a woman if she doesn’t have a job/career/business as well? Are working moms wrong to leave their children in someone else’s care?

I’ve had seasons of being a stay-at-home-mom and of being a career-mom, I’ve also been blessed to run a business from home with children under feet and I can tell you that they each option has its pros and cons. Personally, I believe we are accountable for our own lives and the choices we make should not be judged by each other. It’s hard enough to juggle our responsibilities as women, why do we torment ourselves with each other’s judgment?

The root of all unhappiness is comparison.

I think it’s time we rise up as Christian women and follow the advice in Titus 2. Instead of spending our energy debating who has a better life, let us join efforts to encourage and advise each other so that we can each do a good job at raising the next generation; whether we need a second income or not. We need each other. Let’s not let pride segregate us. We need to reach out to other moms who are also feeling alone in their efforts to do the right thing. It takes a village to raise a child.

If you are feeling the pressures of the debate today, I encourage you to live your life according to your convictions and do not let the pressures of this world deter you from what you need to do for your family. God is your judge, not them!

Proverbs 16:2  “All a man’s ways seem innocent to him, but motives are weighed by the Lord.”


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