
5 Ways Memories Build Confidence

Why do you celebrate Memorial Day?

US_Navy_110530-N-HW977-025_Capt._Jay_Kadowaki_places_flags_at_the_grave_of_his_uncle,_U.S._Army_Spc._Robert_Kadowaki,_who_served_during_the_VietnamCape Cod there is buzzing with restaurants re-opening, “snow-birds” returning and tourists arriving. Summer is coming at last! It almost seems counter-productive to slow down and enjoy a holiday, but remembering those who died for our freedom is important for many reasons.

After losing our daughter, my husband and I held a Valentines gala to raise funds for a scholarship fund in her memory. Over the 13 years that we did this it became very apparent that not everyone understood the power of a memorial. Celebrating memories is not about wallowing in past sorrows; it’s about moving on with hope.

Like looking in a rear-view mirror, our memories are meant to give us proper perspective of where we have been and who is following us so that we can forge ahead and not hold back those we lead. We would be a fool to focus in the rear view mirror while traveling full-speed-ahead. We would also be a fool to never glance back. There are times, like this weekend, when what is in the past, is worthy of pulling over for. Why? Because memories build confidence.

  • By sharing in each other’s lives–past, present and future–we build powerful bonds that should be enjoyed.
  • Recalling the good that came out of the bad reminds us that there is something worth living for and gives a purpose to our pain.
  • Sharing a stories of lessons learned in trial encourages others to find strength in their difficulties.
  • Celebrating victories is what gives us energy to continue.
  • Most of all, when we honor the courage of those who died on our behalf, we show the next generation that there is something worth fighting for.

If you are struggling with memories you want to forget or ones you can’t let go of, maybe it’s time to share your story with someone and then celebrate the good that came out of it. 


Catrina Welch is an inspirational author and speaker whose personal experience with rejection, betrayal and loss–as well as her expertise as a cosmetologist, image consultant and Biblical life-coach–is empowering women to BE and LET BE.

Her latest book, CONFIDENT BEAUTY: Reflecting the One Who Made You, with the Images in your Mirror and in your Soul, is now available in your favorite bookstores. Autographed copies of all her books are available on her website at