My husband and I were staying just down the road as the convention center we would be attending. It felt a little foolish to use our GPS since it was a straight road right to where we needed to go, but it’s nice to have the guidance when in an unknown area, so we punched in our destination out of habit. We were a bit surprised when the only route it gave us was way out of the way to a major highway and then back down to our road. That didn’t make sense!
Okay, the road we were on had several traffic lights, but it seemed silly to go so far off-course to avoid a few stops so we decided to go our own way. The stupid device wouldn’t stop telling us to “proceed to the route.” At every intersection it wanted us to head toward the highway.
So we turned the volume down and kept going as we talked about how the next generation won’t even know how to read a map or make their own choices.
On our way home it was dark and we were tiered so we decided to just let “the voice” lead us.
Later, a local warned us, “It’s safer to just take the highway, especially after dark. You don’t want to sit at any of those lights for long.”
In all our pride–and desire for control–we hadn’t thought of that factor!
Which made me think of how much God is like a GPS:
- He is always available to help you.
- He is not the only option, you can ask others, or figure out where you are going all on your own.
- He always knows where you, all the options available to you and which choice is safest, wisest, or most direct.
- He allows you to choose which way you want to go.
- When you make a wrong turn, He calmly commands you to make the corrections necessary.
- When you are persistent in traveling the wrong direction, He is persistent in giving you a new route to get you back to where you should be.
- He does not change His tone or attitude
- He is not intimidated or distracted by your rebellion, His main concern is helping you.
- Following God’s voice is simply easier.
If you have gotten off the path that God has set for you, maybe it’s time to turn back to God’s Prayer Service and listen to His voice. Unlike GPS, He knows you personally, so be sure to ask Him not just which way to go, but also where to go. He loves to guide those who seek direction but He is a gentleman, He will not force His will on you; it’s your choice.
Catrina Welch is an inspirational author and speaker whose personal experience with overcoming rejection, betrayal and loss–as well as her expertise as a cosmetologist, image consultant and Biblical life-coach–is empowering women to BE and LET BE.
Her latest book, CONFIDENT BEAUTY: Reflecting the One Who Made You, with the Images in your Mirror and in your Soul, is now available in your favorite bookstores. Autographed copies of all her books are available on her website at