Search results for: “unusual beauty “

  • Dramatic – the Exotic Beauty

    Dramatic – the Exotic Beauty

    Some women are fast-paced, hardworking and unafraid to take risks. Those who are Dramatic in style have a daring nature that is seemingly uninhibited by the influences around her. Her long, straight features and extreme height are indication of her character. The Dramatic woman (or man, or child…) is focused and passionate about all she…

  • Romantic, the Glamorous Beauty

    Romantic, the Glamorous Beauty

    Some women are sensual in appearance and in nature, meaning they give great attention to the elements of taste, smell, touch and visual appeal. These are the kind of women you want to be around when you need comfort because they care deeply and they have a gift of hospitality. Like the orchid, this woman’s beauty is…

  • What to Wear for the Casual Beauty



    The Natural woman is a laid back, kind and considerate friend. She doesn’t draw much attention to herself, but she pays great attention to others. She is loyal and committed, even when treated poorly. She sees the other side of the picture and when people mistreat her, she considers where they are coming from and tends…

  • Thanksgiving, the Key to Confident Beauty



    Liz hated her blonde hair. Someone once called her a bimbo and she couldn’t let go of the insult. With a mission to look more intelligent, she dyed her hair very dark, but as it grew out her light roots gave the illusion that he hair was thinning and suddenly she was convinced she was…

  • You Know You Are a Glamorous Beauty if…

    You Know You Are a Glamorous Beauty if…

    Character: The Romantic woman is sensual in her appearance and in nature. She naturally gives great attention to the elements of taste, smell, touch and especially visual appeal. Like the orchid, this woman’s beauty is luscious and captivating, but sometimes hard to bring to bloom. Orchids will not share their astonishing flowers with the world…

  • Biblical Beauty: Romantically

    The Romantic woman is sensual in her appearance and in nature. She naturally gives great attention to the elements of taste, smell, touch and especially visual appeal. Like the orchid, this woman’s beauty is luscious and captivating, but sometimes hard to bring to bloom. Orchids will not share their astonishing flowers with the world if…

  • Biblical Beauty: Dramatically

    The Dramatic is a fast-paced, hardworking woman who is not afraid to take risks. She has a daring nature that is seemingly uninhibited by the influences around her but the truth is she often has a very sensitive spirit. She is like an exotic flower, of which, of course, there are many kinds. I use…

  • Dramatic Video

    Often misunderstood to be overly confident, the Dramatic is actually a very sensitive woman. The Dramatic clothing personality (which I call the Exotic Beauty) is like a tropical flower. Her unusual beauty has a powerful presence that stands out and makes a statement. Unless she has a secondary style, this girl is tall and has strong, straight…

  • Don’t Hate Her ‘Cuz She’s Beautiful

    It’s not easy being different. Unusual beauty creates Confidence Conflicts for the gorgeous as much as it does for the less-lovely. Sometimes the reason people stare is not because of your imperfections, but because they think you are perfect—or close to it, beautiful women get gawked at too, and not just by lustful men. They…

  • 3 Ways to Help Your Child with Image Issues

    3 Ways to Help Your Child with Image Issues



    You know the distractions and temptations that ping before your eyes every time you pick up your phone, but have you ever considered how many images are deeply affecting your child’s self-esteem on a daily basis?  We can set restrictions by the ratings on their TV time, but It’s no longer just commercials that are telling our…

  • Do Children have a Personal Image Identity?



    Every child has an innate desire to figure out who they are.   Am I valued? Am I wanted? Am I enough? It’s only natural for a young mind to find it’s answers from the information around her–a mom’s  words, a dad’s actions, her own comparison to her sister’s beauty–these are each part of the identity struggle that…

  • What are your holdfasts?



    I was feeling a bit overwhelmed with my to do list, when a dear friend of mine presented this very powerful question. It put life back into proper perspective for me and my hope is that it will for you as well. If you’re plate is full and you are finding it hard to be…