
Ambitious. Hard-working. Multi-tasking–these words describe most  women in today’s culture. Dreamers, with great desires for ourselves and our families. We are strong and courageous and are willing to give up so that others can get.

Women are influential

As emotional and relational beings, our mood sets the atmosphere around us. When we are peaceful, others relax. When we are joyful, others enjoy themselves. We should not underestimate the power of our presence because, when we recognize our influence,  we can make a difference in our world.

We have the ability to  create a beautiful environment in our homes for our marriage to flourish and our children to blossom. We have it in us to become self-disciplined, and to discipline our children well and train them in the way they should go. When we build on our strengths and overcome our weaknesses, we increase our sphere of influence (as big or small as that may be) because women who are confident enough to bless others are women who people want to be around.

There is great resistance, however, that opposes our confidence, depletes our strength and distracts our focus.


Most of us are wearing more than one hat. Being the chief, cook, bottle washer and teen taxi driver can be overwhelming. There’s no time to sit and very little time to play.


When we continuously push ourselves, we can become too drained to enjoy life. Without proper sleep,  exercise and good eating habits, we may be missing precious moments and conversation. When our personal needs are crying out  loudly, it’s hard to hear the needs of others.


With so many plates spinning, the housework, laundry, groceries and bills are annoyances that distract us from the “more important” things. Family, friends, ministry–that’s what matters, right?  But all the important things can come crashing down if we don’t keep the “less important” plates well balanced and rotating smoothly.

The goal is to enjoy life and to be a blessing to others.

But  we can’t if we allow all the spinning plates to demand our attention. We must take control or our frustration will dominate  our emotions and make us irrational.

“If mamma ain’t happy, ain’t noooobody happy.”

It’s time for ReNEWal

Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.          - Ephesians 4: 21- 23

The temptation for women is to expect others to meet their needs instead of taking care of themselves. By nature, we want to take care of others. We are nurturers. But we shouldn’t expect everyone else to be nurturers.  Husbands don’t always understand our needs and neither do our children; how can they possibly meet them?

Women need women

If you relate to any of this, I encourage you to assess your needs and take care of yourself. Very often we women just need a girlfriend to talk to. Reach out to someone you know and trust and just spend a little time together.

Announcing New “networking ministry” on Cape Cod

If you live near Falmouth, I invite you to come check out our new Christian Women’s Association on October 2nd. This “networking ministry” will be focused on inspiring each other toward victory in life. This 2 hour, monthly meeting will be productive girlfriend time. When we unite, we become stronger. Your  may feel your area of influence is small or it may be grand, but whatever you are called to do, we are here to support you.

For more information, click here: ReNEWal Christian Women’s Association or follow this link:


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As an author and speaker, my passion is in helping women and girls overcome confidence conflicts, especially those involving rejection, betrayal and loss. After 30 years in the beauty industry as both a cosmetologist and an image consultant, I love to use my profession, along with my experiences and training as a Biblical life-coach to help others struggling. If you want to make difference, too, would you become  part of this movement and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter Pinterest, Linked In, Goodreads  or consider having me speak at your next event. Visit for more information.