
Stylish, by definition, is trendy, modern, fashionable, sophisticated, elegant, glamorous.

When someone or something is “stylish” it captivates our hearts and attracts our attention. A woman is considered stylish if she follows fashion and gives attention to the details of her makeup, hair and nails. A home is considered stylish if the details and finish are exquisite and up to date.

I submit to you that there are many types of styles and not all of them are high-fashion.

Consider any aspect of creation and you will agree. The birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the various types of vegetation–each were created after their own kind:

  • Blue Jays, Turkeys, Peacocks, Flamingos, Hummingbirds, Parrots – each a bird, yet each kind is a very different type from the others.
  • Dolphins, Wales, Herring, Beta, Minnows, Trout – each a fish, yet each kind has a a very different personality from the others.
  • Roses, Daisies, Proteas, Orchids, Baby’s Breath, Cala Lilies – each a flower,  yet each kind is it’s own style of beauty.
  • Hollies, Oaks, Palms, Cherries, Dogwoods, Pines – each a tree, yet each kind is a different style of attractive.
  • Classic, Natural, Dramatic, Ingénue, Romantic, Gamine – each a female, yet each kind a different style.


No two  creatures of any kind are the same. Understanding your style is not about putting yourself in a box. It’s about being released from a generalization.

You are not like your mom or your sister, even when they  are the same style. We are taught this in elementary school, but somehow we  torture ourselves with comparison throughout our lives. Why can’t we just enjoy the fact that we are unique?

You are not like your friend or favorite movie star, even if you think she is more attractive. How foolish would it be to compare the beauty of a peacock to that of a flamingo? There is no wisdom in trying to be someone you are not; and there is no peace in it either.

You are your own type of attractive. Your style (or Personal Image IdentityImg.ID) may be one of the 6 clothing personalities, or it may be any combination of two. Most women face an emotional Beauty Battle at some point in their lives when they are seeking to find themselves.

Imagine swimming in the open ocean when suddenly you notice a large fin sticking out of the water and quickly approaching you.

Beauty is a woman’s identity. She wants to feel attractive. But when she gets caught in the trap of comparison, all she can see are the many other attractive styles out there and it feels like a threat–as if another girl’s  beauty devalues her existence.

If you are feel like that girl in the ocean, I encourage you to have an  image assessment because every woman is stylish, wether she follows fashion or lives in jeans and t-shirts. You don’t have to wear make up or have your nails done in order to be beautiful. You just have to be authentic.

Discovering your authentic beauty is like learning that the fin is a dolphin wanting to play, not a shark coming to attack.


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