
Biblical Beauty: Dramatically

The Dramatic is a fast-paced, hardworking woman who is not afraid to take risks. She has a daring nature that is seemingly uninhibited by the influences around her but the truth is she often has a very sensitive spirit.

Dramatic, turned, croppedShe is like an exotic flower, of which, of course, there are many kinds. I use the Protea to represent the Artsy Dramatic and the Bird of Paradise for the Sophisticated Dramatic. The Dramatic with a flare for art can carry off a costume-like image and come across as fun- like a Protea with its very unusual kind of beauty. The Dramatic who is more sophisticated also stands out with her unique style, but she may be more often included in social circles. Add an exotic flower to any bouquet and it will make a statement at your party; add a lot of them and it may be too much, unless it is a formal event or held in an exquisite hotel. These women sometimes come across as “too much” when they are together. Their animated character to their unique beauty seems to draw the assumption that they want all the attention, but like the flowers they actually do better in indirect sunlight and away from where they can be touched. It may take time for this beauty, like the Ugly Duckling, to find her beauty and bloom, but when she does she has a powerful presence and can be very influential in her world.

Some assume she is high maintenance; they do that with exotic flowers, too. Even florists are sometimes uncomfortable raising the Bird of Paradise or the Protea, maybe because they take patience, but they do not need a lot of care. They do best left alone to flourish in warm, humid environments with fair soil. The Dramatic (of either kind) is like that, too. She has a drive for excellence that can be intimidating to more casual personalities. She also has a drive for popularity; but her independent nature is not patient with those who do not understand her, so she is often only close to a few friends that she really relates to. Her tight circle of friends is observed as a “click” because they are like an exotic hotel bouquet in a casual home. Unfortunately, they are often assumed to be a snob, yet they are the ones feeling snubbed for being “too much.”

I relate Hannah to this Img.ID. She was the beloved first wife of Elkanah, whose second wife (Peninnah) was her rival. Dramatics sometimes have a hard time with their peers, although they are often very respected in their community. Sometimes that respect brings a Dramatic woman fame, other times it brings her shame because she may make others feel intimidated around her. In either circumstance, she seldom realizes how influential she is. She is almost always a tall girl (unless this is her secondary clothing personality), and her height alone naturally exerts authority that she may very well be ignorant of because she can’t relate to looking up to someone much taller than her.

I want to share more with you on this beautiful woman tomorrow, but sure to check in again then.


Catrina Welch is an image- and life-coach whose message is not as much “what not to wear” as it is, “Know Who You Are,” which is the title of her book of guidelines for your personal image identity. Catrina has also written a Bible study to help women overcome their confidence conflicts; it is titled Supreme MakeOver: a Rich and Refreshing Devotional Experience. Her other books include Footprints Through the Sand: a Consolidation of Life-altering stories about Loving and Loosing a Trisomy-18 Baby and Confident Beauty: Reflecting the One Who Made You with the Images in Your Mirror and Your Soul, which will be available in book stores this spring. All of these books are available now at

If you are interested in having Catrina come speak to your friends, colleagues or ministry you can contact her on facebook or by email at