
Building a Confident Closet

shopping closetBy now, all that is left in your closet is clothing that fits, flatters and makes you feel confident. Congratulations! Now it’s time to create beautiful and complete outfits that represent you well.

As Americans we tend to think we need a lot more than we do–especially when it comes to clothing. In reality, a thinner wardrobe not only allows for a thicker wallet, it also relieves a lot of stress when it comes to deciding what to wear.

During your Closet Audit you decided how many outfits you need for a typical week. No matter how many casual, dressy or date-night outfits you decided is appropriate for your lifestyle and budget, that number should be your goal for building a confident closet.

Start creating your first outfit by taking a favorite base item (slacks, shorts or skirt) and trying it on with every top that could possibly go with it. Keep your mind open to combinations you have never worn. If they work well together, write down the combination. (I made a worksheet for you to make this simple, you can find it on my website.) Before you try on another top to go with that base, find accessories, footwear and even under and outer garments that are needed to make that outfit complete. Jot down all items in your worksheet.

Next, take a full picture of yourself in a mirror. These “selfies” will come in handy on days you cannot think of what to wear; they are also great for matching colors, etc. once you start shopping, so take pictures of incomplete outfits, too! Be sure to write a shopping list of anything (belt, tank top, seamless panties, etc.) you need for each outfit.

After you have exhausted all options for the first base item, move on to the next and repeat the same process. Include tops that worked with the first base, but be sure to consider that an extra outfit or it may be in the wash when you need it. After you have gone through all your garments, take your shopping list and your selfies to your favorite stores and begin your shopping spree–guilt-free because you have a plan to build a confident closet!


Catrina Welch is an inspirational author and speaker whose personal experience with overcoming rejection, betrayal and loss–as well as her expertise as a cosmetologist, image consultant and Biblical life-coach–is empowering women to BE and LET BE.

Her latest book, CONFIDENT BEAUTY: Reflecting the One Who Made You, with the Images in your Mirror and in your Soul, is now available in your favorite bookstores. Autographed copies of all her books are available on her website at