The Only True Source of Confidence

Life may never be the same after this pandemic, but it sure is good to get back into the salons, even if it’s so much less personal! It’s just easier to cope with all the changes when our nails are finished and our hair is good, isn’t it? Achieving beauty is one way we attempt to become confident. Success, wisdom, popularity and strength are other powerful sources for self-esteem. Yet, the moment someone outshines, undermines, devalues or corrects us, we will likely feel defeated, diminished, devalued.
Discover Personal Branding–Like Susan Boyle

More than 4,500 athletes, the Queen of England and 40,000 fans will all gather for tonight’s opening ceremony of the 20th Commonwealth Games in Glasgow city’s Celtic Park where Britain’s Got Talent’s Susan Boyle will be one of the performers.
The Most Common Question

The Covid-19 stay-at-home-order has put us all in casual dress mode. I can’t remember the last time I dressed up–even our Easter photo opt. proved to be casual (at least from the waist down!). My daughter didn’t even have dress shoes since she left college during her spring break, unprepared to come home for the year.
Favor is Deceitful and Beauty is Vain

“Favor is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 As a young church girl, I thought this scripture meant that it was wrong to be beautiful, that I shouldn’t want the favor of anyone, and that I should be afraid of God. Wow was I off!
3 Tips for Doing Hair at Home (or Not)

Just before the Covid19 social distancing order, I had gone on a self-care kick. It seemed that the stressful situations my family was facing were over and a spa day would help relieve the tension I was still carrying. Who would have thought that this stay at home order would last more than two weeks? I am so glad now that I took that time to do my hair and “fill my cup” before this forever-quarantine. When I feel ugly, I struggle with depression. I know I’m not the only one.
3 Reasons Beauty is Dangerous

Most women don’t have Confident Beauty because they compare themselves to other styles, but if you have ever been mistreated because of your appearance, you know that Image Issues are more complicated […]
The Power of Beauty

This is school vacation week in New England. Many families are getting away for a time of refreshing and renewal. A break from the bitter cold and brutal winds can […]
Dramatic Video
Often misunderstood to be overly confident, the Dramatic is actually a very sensitive woman. The Dramatic clothing personality (which I call the Exotic Beauty) is like a tropical flower. Her unusual beauty […]
Romantic Beauty
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I post a quick overview of the Romantic Clothing Personality, which I call the Glamorous Beauty. To take my FREE quiz and learn your Image […]
3 Reasons Why Image is Such an Issue for Women

According to David Garner’s survey on Body Image in America as reported in Phychlology Today: 56% of all women say they are dissatisfied with their overall appearance. 84% of women report dieting […]