Category: Faith

  • Favor is Deceitful and Beauty is Vain

    “Favor is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 As a young church girl, I thought this scripture meant that it was wrong to be beautiful, that I shouldn’t want the favor of anyone, and that I should be afraid of God. Wow was I off! Many other…

  • Favor is Deceitful – 3 Reasons Why

    Favor is Deceitful – 3 Reasons Why


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    In honor of all the moms who have ever had a child turn on them and say, “I hate you!” I dedicate this blog to you. God’s Word  is a lot like a fire hydrant: far more powerful than a refreshing drink of water. Perhaps this is what Jesus was alluding to when He told…

  • Are you Influential?

    Are you Influential?

    Ambitious. Hard-working. Multi-tasking–these words describe most  women in today’s culture. Dreamers, with great desires for ourselves and our families. We are strong and courageous and are willing to give up so that others can get. Women are influential As emotional and relational beings, our mood sets the atmosphere around us. When we are peaceful, others relax. When…

  • Building Confidence by Keeping Christmas Unfair

    Building Confidence by Keeping Christmas Unfair


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    “I found this on Flyp and just have to get this for little Tommy, he will just love it! Now I need to get something more for Suzzie or he will have more than she does.” My parents didn’t keep Christmas fair for their five children. I’m sure they were tempted to, and I’m sure…

  • What’s Your Self-Worth?

    What’s Your Self-Worth?

    Read any article on beauty and you are bound to find the word “confidence” somewhere.  Without a doubt, as women we feel better about our self-worth when we feel good about our appearance. Although it is certainly a catch 22, a more effective approach to satisfying this innate longing for beauty is to focus more on…

  • How Critiques and Crowds Build Confidence

    I love hanging out with teenagers. You may think I’m crazy, but you’ve got to know the kind of kids I’m hanging with.   Youth groups from all over America have traveled to Orlando to participate in a National Fine Arts Festival and I’ve had the privilege of witnessing their amazing talents. There are ten thousand kids here who…

  • No One Should Experience Devastation Feeling Invisible

    No One Should Experience Devastation Feeling Invisible


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    Every one of us has felt invisible at some point in our lives or another. Whether it was at a party full of strangers, in the middle of the grocery store or in the privacy of our own home when our brothers got all the attention or our husband is distracted.Our lives may center around…

  • The Power of an Introduction

    The Power of an Introduction

    We’ve all been in a situation where we feel uncomfortable. You arrive at a gathering at a new location and, looking around, you don’t see a single familiar face.  Age does not seem to discriminate against the desire to fit in. Young or old, we all want to belong. We can be completely comfortable with…

  • Throw Away that Ugly Noose!

    Throw Away that Ugly Noose!

    Anyone who steps out of a nice, hot shower and puts on her old, dirty clothing is a fool. Yet we all do this from time to time. Okay, maybe not with our physical clothing, but when it comes to emotional garments, far too often we choose to wear that which is old and ugly.…

  • Are you Confident they Love You?

    Are you Confident they Love You?

    When my little boy was acting up, I would often ask, “Do you need a time-out or a hug?” I was learning the ropes of parenting as a single mom and I was never really sure how to discipline correctly. Sometimes kids act up because they are hungry or lonely. It’s hard to know what they…

  • Confident in the Challenge of Letting Go

    Confident in the Challenge of Letting Go

    This Easter I was asked to share my thoughts on the final words that Christ spoke to Mary while dying on the cross. This challenged me because I didn’t understand why Jesus called His mother “dear woman.” I know He was fully God, but wouldn’t His fully-human-side long for His “mom” in a time of…

  • What Drives You?

    Every human being is in search for significance. We want to be valued, we want to have purpose, we want to make an impact in our world. This may look different for each of us, but when we understand what drives us and how to BE who we were designed to be, we become powerful,…