Favor is Deceitful and Beauty is Vain
“Favor is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30 As a young church girl, I thought this scripture meant that it was wrong to be beautiful, that I shouldn’t want the favor of anyone, and that I should be afraid of God. Wow was I off!
Favor is Deceitful – 3 Reasons Why
In honor of all the moms who have ever had a child turn on them and say, “I hate you!” I dedicate this blog to you. God’s Word is a lot like a fire hydrant: far more powerful than a refreshing drink of water. Perhaps this is what Jesus was alluding to when He told the Samaritan woman that, “those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” in John 4:14
Are you Influential?
Ambitious. Hard-working. Multi-tasking–these words describe most women in today’s culture. Dreamers, with great desires for ourselves and our families. We are strong and courageous and are willing to give up so that […]
Building Confidence by Keeping Christmas Unfair
“I found this on Flyp and just have to get this for little Tommy, he will just love it! Now I need to get something more for Suzzie or he […]
What’s Your Self-Worth?
Read any article on beauty and you are bound to find the word “confidence” somewhere. Without a doubt, as women we feel better about our self-worth when we feel good about […]
How Critiques and Crowds Build Confidence
I love hanging out with teenagers. You may think I’m crazy, but you’ve got to know the kind of kids I’m hanging with. Youth groups from all over America have traveled […]
No One Should Experience Devastation Feeling Invisible
Every one of us has felt invisible at some point in our lives or another. Whether it was at a party full of strangers, in the middle of the grocery […]
The Power of an Introduction
We’ve all been in a situation where we feel uncomfortable. You arrive at a gathering at a new location and, looking around, you don’t see a single familiar face. Age […]
Throw Away that Ugly Noose!
Anyone who steps out of a nice, hot shower and puts on her old, dirty clothing is a fool. Yet we all do this from time to time. Okay, maybe […]
Are you Confident they Love You?
When my little boy was acting up, I would often ask, “Do you need a time-out or a hug?” I was learning the ropes of parenting as a single mom and […]