
Confident for Our Children

As Easter approaches, let’s consider how Mary’s mamma-heart must have felt during Jesus’ persecution and death.

As moms, we believe in our kids. Sure, we see their faults and we get frustrated when they don’t follow our wishes, but we see beyond the present day; we see their potential future. If anyone should point out their imperfections, we defend them because we know that, one day, each of them will be great!

I imagine that this must have been especially true for Mary. Granted, her son was perfect–but she was not. Surely she got anxious about the expectations she had for Him. After all, she was told (directly by an angel!) profound promises about His future yet she had to wait thirty years before He began His ministry.

Luke 1:32 He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David.

We have such high hopes for the future and success of our offspring. We want to see them do great things and when they don’t pursue their potential, we want to make it happen for them. Even Mary pushed her boy into doing His first miracle when His “time had not yet come” (see the wedding at Cana in John 2:1-12).

Messes make the message

Mary’s son didn’t fall into any trap of sin. He didn’t hurt others or break laws. Yet He suffered severe consequences–worse than any criminal today–and I’m sure it was difficultly for her to hear the accusations thrown at Him. She knew the Truth about His character.

The Bible tells us that Mary “hid in her heart” the things she witnessed throughout her life with Him and it seems that she stood on the promises of God.

Remember, Mary was a Classic. Classics like to follow a plan and her plan did not unfold as she had expected. Jesus was supposed to rule as king of the Jews!

Yet He was put to death.

Our mamma-hearts want to protect, prove and promote the ones we love. I imagine Mary felt frustrated, frightened and a bit angry. I’m sure I would have been devastated!

What does your mamma-heart feel for your children right now? Maybe they are being mistreated, suffering sickness, making poor choices or facing difficult circumstances. I want to encourage you today with the encouragement I just received: Do not loose hope. We do not see the whole picture. Mary was told face to face what the future held for her son, but she still had no idea how big God’s real plan was.

Jesus had to face that harsh season. If He didn’t bear the sins of the world on His innocent back He could not have fulfilled the real plan to overcome the grave, which is what makes him King of Kings forever.

This Easter, let’s stand on the promises of God for our children, no matter how harsh the season they are facing. Our God is bigger and He is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we could ask or imagine!


As an author and speaker, my passion is in helping women and girls overcome confidence conflicts, especially those involving rejection, betrayal and loss. After 30 years in the beauty industry as both a cosmetologist and an image consultant, I love to use my profession, along with my experiences and training as a Biblical life-coach to help others struggling. If you want to make difference, too, would you become  part of this movement and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter Pinterest, Linked In, Goodreads  or consider having me speak at your next event. Visit for more information.

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