Do You Fear the Future?


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My world came to a holt last week.

When someone you love is fighting for her life, it is hard to continue yours. Things that used to seem so important just don’t matter anymore. At the same time, priorities that used to be mundane begin to hold much more weight. It’s times like this when we need a strength beyond our own.

My “What2Wear Wednesday“ blog is coming out a bit late in the day because I really couldn’t find the words of encouragement to share this morning. In all my worry for my family I forgot to get dressed.

Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.

Don’t you just wish you could be like the Proverbs 31 woman? I do. Talk about Confident Beauty!

I want to “laugh without fear of the future” but instead I am burdened with stress. Was this ancient woman really filled with joy even when life was difficult? If she really found the secret, then certainly each of us can, too!

Honestly, I think the key to her confidence is that she knew What2Wear.

She wore strength and dignity.

I could use some strength right now, couldn’t you? Where can we find the beautiful garment of strength?

And dignity, do we even know what that is anymore?

DSC01828dignity |ˈdignitē| noun (pl. dignities)
the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect: a man of dignity and unbending principle | the dignity of labor.
• a composed or serious manner or style: he bowed with great dignity.
• a sense of pride in oneself; self-respect: it was beneath his dignity to shout.
• a high or honorable rank or position: he promised dignities to the nobles in return for his rival’s murder.

Sometimes when I read Proverbs 31,  I feel as if I could never measure up to the amazing woman described there. It’s only natural to I criticize her, “surely she had no problems! Or else she was very naive.” But the definition of dignity ruins thisjudgment, doesn’t it? She wasn’t a laughing fool trying to hide her fear and pain. She had dignity.

Today I am challenged to remain composed with a self-respect that allows feelings–but does not allow fear–in the face of life’s difficulties.  If you, too, are ready to face the days ahead with strength, dignity and joy, come what may, then would you join me in making a commitment to no longer laugh as if there are no problems and no longer allow our world to come to a holt when the problems are big? Let us look to Proverbs 31 for What2Wear and choose what attitudes we wear with wisdom so that we can laugh at the days to come. The best part is, we do not have to purchase the “garment” we can borrow the strength and dignity of Someone who paid a big price for it.

2 Corinthians 12:10b For when I am weak, then I am strong


2 responses to “Do You Fear the Future?”

  1. No, I do not fear the future any more, because God has given me peace.

    Catrina, I love your book “Confident Beauty…” I am an Ingénue (perhaps a Romantic because I am almost 60). I am a bright Spring and my hair is silver. Should I color it as an Ingenue? Also, should I wear silver jewelry to blend with the tones in my hair or gold to go with the peachy/pink tones in my skin?

    I think I am an Ingenue rather than a Romantic because I look best in clothes that do not emphasize the waist. I do have full breasts, but I am more of an apple shape than an hourglass.

    Thanks for helping to make God’s world more beautiful and in tune with what he has created us to be.

    Peace and blessings to you!

    1. Mary,
      Thank you for commenting. If you are an Ingénue, I wouldn’t color your hair. Besides, it sounds beautiful! If you do, be sure it looks natural.
      You could be a Romantic but still relate to the Ingénue because every Romantic was once an Ingénue, but not all Ingénues become Romantics. The true indicator is a full bosom. Ingénues tend to keep a youthful figure and are almost always assumed to be younger than they really are.
      As for the silver or gold, Springs do much better with gold, especially around the face.
      Hope this helps!

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