Facial Structure:

How did you do with yesterday’s assessment of your physical attributes? Is there one Img.ID that is showing itself most predominate yet? If not, do not be discouraged; your facial features are a bit more definitive, by the end of this blog you should have a good idea of which style of feminine beauty you are. Your facial structure is made up of not only the shape of your face, but also your facial silhouette and the way you hold your head over your body, as well as your facial features (eyes, nose, chin, etc.).

This information is good for assessing your Img.ID as well as how to accentuate your individual beauty. It is not about being critical of yourself. Knowing whether your head is set squarely above the shoulders or not and if your nose or forehead are protruding helps you to apply your makeup appropriately and to find a hairstyle that has fullness in the areas that will create balance. Please do not stress over this. Be confident about your individuality.

Hollywood may tell us that the “ideal facial shape” is oval, but that’s a matter of opinion. If your face is long or wide,  you can make your hair style create illusions that will balance your features and give the appearance of being more oval.

Don’t repeat your facial shape in your hairstyle.

In other words, if you have a very round face, do not wear a rounded hairstyle such as a bob, instead follow the guidelines for your Personal Image Identity. You can use your accessories, glasses and makeup as well as hair length and style to give the illusion of balance.

Are you ready to do your assessment? Grab a mirror and remember to mark your chart you can download a pdf of it here:


NOTE: To get do the complete self-assessment, be sure to get a copy of Know Who You Are: Guidelines for your Personal Image Identity. (Also, there's a mini Image Assessment Quiz in Confident Beauty.)

What is your facial shape?

  • Oval (balanced, even, proportionate) could be any Img.ID-mark them all
  • Square (wide, angular jaw and forehead) Natural, Dramatic, Gamine
  • Oblong (long, narrow, balanced) could be any Img.ID
  • Diamond (narrow chin, brow; widest at cheeks) Natural, Dramatic, Gamine
  • Heart (widest at forehead, narrow chin, often widow’s peak hairline) Ingénue, Romantic
  • Round (balanced, fullest at cheeks) Natural, Ingénue, Romantic, Gamine
  • Pear (widest at jaw, narrow forehead) Natural, Dramatic, Ingénue, Romantic, Gamine

What is the style of your eyes? (See pictures in Img.ID quiz )

  • Large, expressive, flirty (Romantic, Gamine, Ingénue)
  • Average and proportionate (Could be any Img.ID-mark them all.)
  • Friendly, or dramatic (Natural, Dramatic)

What is the type of your lips? (See pictures in Img.ID quiz )

  • Full (Romantic, Ingénue)
  • Moderate, average (Could be any Img.ID)
  • Thin (Natural, Dramatic, Gamine)

What are your cheeks and chin like?

  • Somewhat flat cheekbone, average chin (Classic)
  • Elongated or widely rounded (Natural)
  •  Prominent cheekbones and / or chin (Dramatic)
  • Rounded cheeks and chin (Romantic, Ingénue, Gamine)

What style nose do you have? (See pictures in Img.ID quiz )

  • Average (Could be any Img.ID)
  • Bluntly broad (Natural)
  • Prominent (Dramatic)
  • Straight (Dramatic, Gamine)
  • Small (Romantic, Ingénue)
  • Turned up (Gamine)

By now you should have your dominant clothing personality figured out. To see if you have a secondary clothing personality (the combination would be your personal Img.ID) take the rest of the quiz, answering the questions about your personal preferences.


Catrina Welch is an image- and life-coach whose message is not as much “what not to wear” as it is, “Know Who You Are,” which is the title of her book of guidelines for your personal image identity. Catrina has also written a Bible study to help women overcome their image issues. It is titled Supreme MakeOver: a Rich and Refreshing Devotional Experience. Her other books include Footprints Through the Sand: a Consolidation of Life-altering stories about Loving and Loosing a Trisomy-18 Baby and Confident Beauty: Reflecting the One Who Made You with the Images in Your Mirror and Your Soul, which will be available soon.

If you are interested in getting these books or having Catrina come speak at your event, you can contact her at www.CatrinaWelch.com or on facebook.


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