Is it April Fools Day or April Fun Day?
This morning, as I helped my daughter’s class decorate the school administrator’s office like a winter wonderland to taunt her spring fever, I was reminiscing of all the April Fools jokes we have experienced throughout the years. One of my favorites was the time Tori wanted to serve her brothers plastic pancakes, so we whipped up some Bisquick and strategically placed her toy trick on a plate of their favorite breakfast. Remembering the expressions on their faces when they realized the reason they couldn’t cut through the stack wasn’t their mom’s poor cooking, but their sister’s great humor still makes me laugh.
What kind of jokes will you play today? I found some great ideas HERE, but if you are looking for advice from an image consultant, maybe you want to try something like this:
Classics: wear a totally clashing outfit…
Naturals: put on some heavy makeup…
Dramatics: don’t wear makeup and go super casual today…
Ingénues: wear all black and some heavy eyeliner…
Romantics: go professional today, got a suit jacket somewhere?
Gamines: wear something lacy and dainty, maybe with lots of fluff or flowers…
If you don’t know your Img.ID, pick the suggestion that you would never do. More than likely, my suggestions will rock your confidence for the day, but watching the response of others may be a whole lot of fun. Why? Because when you dress in a way that completely clashes with your personality you cause a (often subconscious) emotional response from others. Some people may try to encourage you because you are coming across as awkward, or they may pull away from you, feeling like they cannot trust you and they don’t even know why. Others may ridicule you, reject you or look down on you, so stay strong and remember, today is for fun. Just don’t dress outside your guidelines tomorrow because doing so any other day than April first would be foolish.
Catrina Welch is an image- and life-coach whose message is not as much “what not to wear” as it is, “Know Who You Are,” which is the title of her book of guidelines for your personal image identity. Catrina has also written a Bible study to help women overcome their confidence conflicts; it is titled Supreme MakeOver: a Rich and Refreshing Devotional Experience. Her other books include Footprints Through the Sand: a Consolidation of Life-altering stories about Loving and Losing our Trisomy-18 Baby and Confident Beauty: Reflecting the One Who Made You with the Images in Your Mirror and Your Soul, which will be available in book stores this spring. All of these books are available now at