Image Identity Quiz

Your authentic style is unique and complex. Figuring out your Img.ID is not as simple as looking at a flower and knowing it's type, but taking this FREE quiz is a start. Have fun!

A close friend might say of you...


I feel most confident when wearing...

Lazurek closet 3615613 Mike Gattorna from Pixabay scaled

Your physical stature: a major contributor to your Img.ID

Which eyes are most like yours?

Your lips?

Your nose?

Your idea of a great weekend

Your table style...

Do you love makeovers?

cosmetics 4645407 1920

How would you best describe your overall persona?

3 books sct

To Learn more about the image identities, check out my books on Amazon

CW Books 4

Know Who You Are — For Kids! A children's book illustrating each style. Great to find your kids' Img.ID!