“Busy people are happy people.” I used to say with a chuckle every time someone told me I was doing too much.
That’s not my response any more.
I guess my busyness wore out my happiness. Eventually I had to find a better way.
“Seek peace and pursue it” is more my mantra now. The crazy lifestyle that comes with an overbooked schedule got the best of me–and those around me. No one wants my stress added to theirs anymore than they want to sit down to visit and have me telling them to lift their feet so I can vacuum. I had become a disgruntled woman who felt pressured to take care of everyone else’s needs and responsibilities, but then resented them for not taking care of mine. How ugly!
After some difficult reality checks, I made a conscious decision to change my ways. But first I had to examine my heart.
- Was I so prideful to think I was the best girl for all these jobs?
- Was I a pushover and afraid to say no?
- Was I seeking approval and feeling a need to be Wonder Woman?
- Was I a control freak who needs everything done my way?
- Was I a woman of low self-esteem who felt she should serve others because they were more valuable than me?
Perhaps I was all of the above, but I didn’t want to be any of them anymore. I needed some answers.
Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For each one shall bear his own load. Galatians 6:2- 5
If you are feeling overwhelmed by a busy life, I encourage you to take an assessment of your motives. Be sure you are taking charge of your own responsibilities (your load) and allowing others to do the same. When their load becomes a burden, help them. When crisis arrises and your load is more than you can bear, allow others to help you. This can be done when you know your purpose and take pleasure in using your gifts to help others.
I’ve personally found that the tasks and temptations of busyness simply don’t draw me in me like they used to and it’s not only easier to say “no” to things that stress me out, it’s easier to say “yes” to things I know I can do. I think the “rejoicing in himself alone” is found in the peace and joy of living a balanced life. And it’s available to everyone of us if we seek it and pursue it.
Catrina Welch is an inspirational author and speaker whose personal experience with rejection, betrayal and loss–as well as her expertise as a cosmetologist, image consultant and Biblical life-coach–is empowering women to BE and LET BE.
Her latest book, CONFIDENT BEAUTY: Reflecting the One Who Made You, with the Images in your Mirror and in your Soul, is now available in your favorite bookstores. Autographed copies of all her books are available on her website at www.CatrinaWelch.com