
Dramatic Billy

Is Your Child a Dramatic?

Children are emotional

Kids are demonstrative, they show their emotions and passions without fear of being foolish or judged. Some children, however, are more animated than others.

Typically, the Dramatic Clothing Personality is very creative about expressing her passions. Many kids love fashion and fine arts, but if your child has aspirations to make a career out of their craft, he or she may have a Dramatic Image Identity.

Dramatics are playful kids, who don’t mind being alone. 

Many Dramatics are popular amongst their peers. People love to be around a kid that is fearless, fun and full of ideas. These kids love to be included, but have an independent nature that does not wait for an invitation to play, they create the activity they want to do and if others want to be part of it, great, if not, they are fine on their own. As we study our children, we would be wise to look deeper than their words or actions. Let’s look at their heart.


The way your child plays is a big indicator of his or her Img.ID:

C: reading, learning
N: athletics, nature
D: performing, creating, dress-up 
I: crafts, fine arts
R: baking, shopping
G: doctor, leader

Click the letter to learn more about that Image Identity, including What2Wear.

To take my FREE quiz and learn your (or your child’s) Image Identity, click here.

I liken the Dramatic  to tropical flowers. Girls with this clothing personality (or Image Identity/Img.ID) have a Exotic Beauty. They are very inviting and independent and their powerful presence causes others to assume they are very strong, but in reality, they are quite sensitive. When this child is hurt, she tends to nurse her own pain and protect herself from others. When she is happy and healthy, she is very influential and has a wonderful way of encouraging those around her.

Beauty isn’t as important to boys as it is too girls. Even boys who like fashion would typically prefer looking strong over looking good, so I use a tree to represent each of the male clothing personalities.

Boys who are the Dramatic style are also fearless and fun. The “Eccentric Attraction” is like a Palm Tree, which is also independent and inviting. Whether a boy or a girl, the Dramatic is the kind of child whose nature will influence the environment around them, according to their mood at the moment. 

Dramatics are tall and have long, straight features.


There is a reason why each Img.ID has a motto for What2Wear. It’s a bit of a catch 22: Your clothing personality is determined by what you look like, your best look is determined by your clothing personality. 

Dramatics have long, straight lines in their physique,  they typically like things to be done with excellence (but are sometimes a bit obsessed by details), and they are most confident when they are dressed with style.

I used two of my children, Billy and Tori, as models for the Dramatic in my new book, Know Who You Are–for Kids!

Dramatics love to dress up, but they are a bit picky about the style. Their high-fashion desires may be annoying to some parents, and their friends may think they are vain (girls) or feminine (guys), but the truth is, they are expressive. 

Your image should express your personality.

Dramatics innately understand image because they like to look good. In my new children’s story, Katy Finds the Confidence to Be Her True Self, but not until after her struggle with comparing herself to the creative kids who like to dress up. 

When my illustrator, E. Trent Thomson, did the first draft of Tori, I had to laugh at the dress he put her in.

“We have to change her dress. Tori would not be confident if I made her wear a frilly dress”

Sometimes it’s the simplest of things that make our kids confident, but how will we know if we don’t even recognize that there are six different styles of beauty / attraction and many combinations of them? (Anyone may be two-or rarely three-styles.) Would you join me in telling moms, dads and educators about the various styles so that  more kids will find the confidence to be his/her true self, like Katy? Please share this any way you can.

To take my FREE quiz and learn your (or your child’s) Image Identity, click here.


Catrina Welch has been helping others with their image for more than 30 years. As a licensed  cosmologist, certified image consultant and Biblical life-coach, she is well aware that image issues are far more difficult for some styles than they are for others and that the greatest antidote is to know who you are. She has developed a systematic way of doing image assessments for large groups, which she calls a “Supreme MakeOver.” Catrina has written three books about image for women, including “Confident Beauty: Reflecting the One Who Made You, with the Images in your Mirror and in your Soul” and is about to introduce her first children’s book, Know Who You Are–for Kids!, which will be published on July 3, 2019 and will soon be available for pre-order. 

Catrina is offering free Supreme MakeOver Image Assessment events during her book launch campaign. For more information, Contact or connect with her on FacebookTwitter PinterestLinked In, Goodreads  and consider having her present at your next event. Visit for more information.