
Mary, the Confident Classic 

nativity-30571_640Imagine being a young jewish girl preparing for your upcoming wedding and the future you will have with the man you have been promised to. You have been careful your whole life to obey the laws of your faith and you are looking forward to being with Joseph because he, too, has proven himself righteous.

If you are a Classic Beauty, like Mary,  you probably love planning. 

Now imagine an angel’s sudden appearance to inform you that you would conceive the Son of God. Talk about life-plan alterations! I’m not sure how I would have responded, but this courageous lady responded like the intellectual and organized Classic Beauty typically does: respectfully requests more information.

The Classic’s need for details, paired with her strong and somewhat-silent strength, makes getting to know her heart difficult. But like a rose, these women do open up slowly and when they do, their powerful influence is a beautiful fragrance to those around them. Classics make great mentors because they are not afraid to ask questions. When Mary became pregnant, she took some time to go visit her cousin, Elizabeth. Being around another pregnant woman who also experienced a miracle and believed in the promises of God  was simply wise.

Some of us would panic when our plans are changed and our reputation is “ruined.” We strive to keep our plan or prove our point. We get depressed, frustrated and angry when people doubt our story. We loose sight of the bigger picture, but when Mary’s life-plan was suddenly changed and others (undoubtably) presumed she was promiscuous, she seemed to remain a Confident Classic.

Read her story in Luke 1 and 2, and you will see that Mary was content being a vessel that would bring forth the Light. She believed her situation was about her Lord, not her life.

If you are going through a time of life when your plans have been rocked or your reputation has been ruined, I encourage you to keep your focus on your faith and keep doing right–no matter how much others do wrong or assume you are wrong–and watch for the favor of God to move on your behalf.

“Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.” Luke 1:29


Catrina Welch is an inspirational author and speaker whose personal experience with overcoming rejection, betrayal and loss–as well as her expertise as a cosmetologist, image consultant and Biblical life-coach–is empowering women to BE and LET BE.

Her latest book, CONFIDENT BEAUTY: Reflecting the One Who Made You, with the Images in your Mirror and in your Soul, is now available in your favorite bookstores. Autographed copies of all her books are available on her website at