New Year, New Closet

Every garden needs to be weeded on a regular basis, but there are times when it needs a complete tilling.  Your closet is no different. If you have been staying up on your wardrobe, discarding, giving and removing items that do not suit your style, then you may not need to join us in our complete clean out today. 

If you have had a major change in your lifestyle, climate, size or simply a new awakening of who you are, then you may want to follow the steps we are taking in our Supreme MakeOver Course. 

Complete Closet Clean Out

We have been going through our wardrobe and wearing every item we can, creating as many complete outfits as we can with what we already have. 

We have been saying goodbye to items that simply do not fit right, have worn out, bring us bad memories, or suck the confidence out of us in any way. 

We now know our personal Image Identity (Img.ID) and the guidelines we should follow in order to look our best, and we are ready to swap with each other clothing that simply does not suit us well for ones that do. 

General guidelines for your Img.ID:

  • C: (The Classic) fashion trends (not fads) matching accessories.
  • N: (The Natural) simplicity with texture.
  • D: (The Dramatic) straight lines, high fashion, Accessories.
  • I: (The Ingénue) light, fine and feminine fabrics.
  • R: (The Romantic) rich, flowing, feminine fabrics.
  • G: (The Gamine) strong, bold color & fabrics

Click the letter to learn more about that Image Identity, including What2Wear.

Your Closet Clean Out could take you as little as one hour, it could take you all day, but there will be a great return on the time you invest because from here on, every morning will be easier and you will feel much more confident all day, everyday, knowing your image is reflecting your authentic self. 

To prepare, clear off your bed, you are going to need it to make your piles as you continue to pull out anything left in your closet (this includes dressers that may be in your room).

If you haven’t already, be sure to get all that laundry from step one (see last blog) washed and dried. 

Bring back to your room ONLY items you will keep.  

Continue to REMOVE any and all items (clothing or not) from every part of your wardrobe one drawer, shelf, section at a time. Try on each item and find pieces to make an outfit and make the decision: is it a THROW AWAY,  GIVE AWAY, or LAY AWAY (keep for another season, size, place)?

Place all “keepers” on your bed. 

Remember, you are weeding anything that does not give you confidence. You are not wasting anything, you are sharing those good items with someone else who will enjoy it more.

Once your closet and dressers are completely empty, vacuum and wipe down everything, top to bottom. Next, go find your husband and tell him: “look, honey, I have NOTHING to wear!” While he’s there, it may be a good time to ask him what his favorite outfits of yours are.  Then follow these steps:

  • Start by taking your favorite base items (usually slacks, shorts or skirts) and trying on all tops that could possibly work with that base piece., completing the outfit to the best of your ability with what you have, including accessories
  • Make a list of anything needed  to complete that outfit. Suggestion: take a selfie to help you remember, bring it with you to look back at when shopping. I find this especially helpful for matching colors. 
  • Next, purposefully put each outfit away (organize as you feel best: by color, type, outfit) until you have enough complete outfits for your lifestyle.  As you go along decorate the closet to make it peaceful and inspiring by hanging purses, scarves, mirrors, etc.

Continue this process until everything on your bed has found a place.  If there are items left that go with nothing you own, either give them away or take them shopping with you.  Don’t return them to your closet until you find something you can wear them with or they will quickly cause the clutter and confusion you just worked so hard to weed out.  

Finally, REMOVE all excess clothing (weeds!) from your house.

Now take some time to enjoy your beautiful garden and celebrate your new found freedom! I’d love to hear how you did. Comment, share, post pics of your progress. May your new year be full of confidence and beauty!


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