
One Woman’s Journey to Find her True Image Identity

Most women HATE, HIDE or get HUNG UP on their image at one point in their lives. For many, this is during the teenage years, but for some it’s at a very young age, for others it comes later in life.

When we are hurting and our self image is down, we may lash out at others, blame them, or become consumed by their needs while neglecting our own. Whether you punish yourself,  shut down your heart, or try to numb the pain is a big indicator of what your personal Image Identity (Img.ID) is.

Click here to take my FREE IMAGE ASSESSMENT QUIZ

How you respond to your Beauty Battle is a big indicator of your Img.ID:

C:  Work, study, read, ignore emotions-your's and other's 
N: Brush it off, simplify the story, empathize with others 
D: Take charge, dress up, makeup, play up the passion, strive for excellence 
I: Accept the guilt, carry the  shame, punish self, help others
R: Shut down heart, build up walls, hide body, care for those you love
G: Laugh and lead, work hard, speak out, don't stop

Click here to take my FREE IMAGE ASSESSMENT QUIZ

No two women respond the same, but many women within the same style tend to take the same approach. Many Ingénues take a rather radical approach to their Image Issues. I’d like to share with you a clip from an online image assessment I did recently. This woman, like many moms facing the empty nest, was struggling to find herself now that her role in life has changed. I get it. I’m in the same season and, after watching this video, I’m tempted to take her route and shave my head too (you will see–it’s a bad hair day for me) I’m not sure I’d ever have the courage to do something so drastic as to shave my head, but at least I have found the courage to share a bad hair day video. I think it’s worth the watch. If you agree, would you like, share, post, tweet, pin, whatever, to help someone you know?

One thing’s for sure, we all face the battle, yet somehow we all think we are the only one in the fight. That is a twisted-Truth! YOU ARE NOT ALONE, so just BE and LET BE.


As an author and speaker, Catrina’s passion is in helping women and girls overcome confidence conflicts, especially those involving rejection, betrayal and loss. After 30 years in the beauty industry as both a cosmetologist and an image consultant, Catrina now uses her profession, her own powerful stories and her training as a Biblical life-coach to reach the heart in a way that is relatable, encouraging and inspiring. Her message is balanced with both fashion and faith and is making a difference  in the lives of women and girls all over!  To be part of this movement, connect with her on FacebookTwitter PinterestLinked In, Goodreads  and consider having her speak at your next event. Visit for more information.