Search results for: “image issue”

  • Thanksgiving, the Key to Confident Beauty



    Liz hated her blonde hair. Someone once called her a bimbo and she couldn’t let go of the insult. With a mission to look more intelligent, she dyed her hair very dark, but as it grew out her light roots gave the illusion that he hair was thinning and suddenly she was convinced she was…

  • Do you Feel Like an Ugly Duckling?

    The primary factor in determining your Personal Image Identity (Img.ID) is your physical appearance. Just as a rose by any other name is still a rose, so are you the style of beauty that your physical attributes indicate that you are. Anyone could say that a rose is just a flower, or they could call…

  • Take this LifeSTYLE Quiz

    Take this LifeSTYLE Quiz

    You are invited to a formal event. How does your heart respond? Some women (and men) enjoy dressing up and socializing. Others feel quite the opposite. The way you respond to certain lifestyle choices has a lot to say about which style of beauty (or attractive) you are. While your physical attributes are the major…

  • The Overlooked Solution for Acne

    When acne blows up, does you confidence deflate? Google is betting on it, which is why ads for suicide prevention are often linked to your search on this common skin condition. Acne affects about 50 million Americans a year. Obnoxious blemishes have a way of rearing their ugly head at crucial times in life–not only in adolescence!…

  • Can You Help Ugly Become Beautiful?


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    If you have ever heard of the Proverbs 31 woman, you know she is amazing. She is someone we all want to be, she does it all, has it all, makes it all, and IS it all! She is the wise, ambitious, strong, organized woman of God who loves her husband, children, and servants. She honors,…

  • Encouragement in an Identity Crisis

    This could be a story about you. Perhaps your losing your hair, have a major skin problem, are cross-eyed or confined to a wheelchair. This could be a story about a friend or family member, who’s Image Issue is not outwardly apparent to most, but is weighing on your heart because you know about her eating disorder,…

  • Aging with Confidence


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    This Forth of July I hit the big 5-0. People keep telling me that It’s just another number, but it’s a bit of a Confidence Conflict right now and hearing, “it’s no big deal” doesn’t really help.  True that a birthday really only makes us  one day older, but reaching a new decade is difficult. Aging and body-image As…

  • When Looking Good is the Last Concern

    When Looking Good is the Last Concern


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    If you ever want to find out if you have Image Issues, go skiing in extremely cold conditions and see if you care how you look. Last weekend’s fierce winds brought the wind-chill factor down to a negative twenty-five degrees, but that didn’t take into account the wet snow on my exposed cheeks. It was…

  • When Beauty Triggers Ugly

    When Beauty Triggers Ugly

    By definition, an Ingénue (pronounced: änjəˌno͞o) is an innocent or unsophisticated young woman, especially one in a play or film. The Ingénue Image Identity is the Delicate Beauty. She typically has tight skin, a petite figure, softly feminine facial features and a sweet, gentle voice. Ingénues are almost always assumed younger

  • Your Strength is the Battlefield for your Confidence

    By definition, anything dramatic is theatrical, obvious, exciting, exaggerated, striking. The Dramatic Image Identity has a penchant and passion for the arts, fashion and beauty. Because of this woman’s strength is her eye for detail and gift in creativity, she also does  well in areas of architecture and design. Dramatics are tall women with long, straight features and bold coloring…

  • Deadheading your Closet

    Deadheading your Closet

    By definition, anything natural is normal or ordinary and not made by humans. This defines the Casual Beauty very well, as this girl is most attractive when she keeps her image simple. Many of these girls consider themselves ordinary and boring, but others enjoy their unpretentious, uncomplicated understated authenticity. Naturals appreciate beauty, but seldom get…

  • How Confidence and Beauty Intertwine

    When a woman believes she looks beautiful, she feels confident. When a woman is confident, she radiates beauty. It really doesn’t matter which style she is nor how tall, slim or old she is. The color of her eyes, hair or skin do not change the fact, nor does her nationality, upbringing or experiences in…