Tag: beauty

  • The Most Common Question

    The Most Common Question

    The Covid-19 stay-at-home-order has put us all in casual dress mode. I can’t remember the last time I dressed up–even our Easter photo opt. proved to be casual (at least from the waist down!).  My daughter didn’t even have dress shoes since she left college during her spring break, unprepared to come home for the…

  • 3 Tips for Doing Hair at Home (or Not)

    Just before the Covid19 social distancing order, I had gone on a self-care kick. It seemed that the stressful situations my family was facing were over and a spa day would help relieve the tension I was still carrying. Who would have thought that this stay at home order would last more than two weeks?…

  • The Power of Beauty

    The Power of Beauty

    This is school vacation week in New England. Many families are getting away for a time of refreshing and renewal. A break from the bitter cold and brutal winds can give us strength to continue to endure our harsh winters.  It’s not a bad idea to get a break from a mild winter like this…

  • The Beauty of the Manger

    The Beauty of the Manger


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    My fourth child was due to arrive just before Christmas. We were building a home at the time and it was not ready for occupancy. I remember feeling anxious about bringing a newborn home to our temporary living situation–a large, open room over my brother-in-law’s garage. With two young boys and another young family within…

  • Validation, Everyone Needs It

    When is the last time someone said something encouraging to you as a person? You are very good at that. You are so strong! You are beautiful. I hope it was this morning that someone validated you as a person, but I know that in reality it may have been a long time since you…

  • Do you Feel Like an Ugly Duckling?

    The primary factor in determining your Personal Image Identity (Img.ID) is your physical appearance. Just as a rose by any other name is still a rose, so are you the style of beauty that your physical attributes indicate that you are. Anyone could say that a rose is just a flower, or they could call…

  • Take this LifeSTYLE Quiz

    Take this LifeSTYLE Quiz

    You are invited to a formal event. How does your heart respond? Some women (and men) enjoy dressing up and socializing. Others feel quite the opposite. The way you respond to certain lifestyle choices has a lot to say about which style of beauty (or attractive) you are. While your physical attributes are the major…

  • Never Neglect Doing This for your Skin



    If you are like most women, you may very well skip this one important step in your self-care regiment. After all, it does seem a bit frivolous and there’s already a lot to do to get ready for the day. You take the time to clean your face, and surely you use a moisturizer before…

  • Do you Keep Clothes that Don’t Fit?

    The American culture may consider skinny healthy and beautiful, but that is not always true.  In my experience, “skinny” was better described “sickly” or “drawn.” My struggle with weight was always in keeping it. After reaching forty,  however, it became easy to  keep meat on my bones, but, even then, weight-loss wasn’t a challenge. When my clothes got too…

  • 5 Practices for Overcoming Self-Consciousness


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    It seems obvious that the tendency to compare your life with others’ is second nature and cannot be stopped. No wonder the social media has created such an epidemic of self-consciousness. With each visit to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest… we find ourselves faced with the temptation to compare our lives to the pictures we see. We…

  • 4 Steps to Dressing True to You

    When you walk into a room which shows up first, you or your clothing? One way to find out is to listen to the compliments you get. Are about you or your outfit?There’s a big difference between, “You look beautiful!” and “What a beautiful dress!” As women, we enjoy a compliment, and we should. It’s like a hug that simply…

  • The Nasty Nativity

    The Nasty Nativity


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    I wonder if Mary was in nesting mode about this time 2000 years ago? I imagine that the innate desire to prepare for her baby was strong in the young mother’s heart as she traveled along the dusty road to Bethlehem. Classics (like Marry)  desire orderly lives (even when it’s not); add the responsibility of a new dependent…