Does Your Image Speak Truth?

Your outfit could be completely undermining your credibility. How you dress is an indication of who you are and how you care about yourself, which in turn shows us how you will or will not care about others… which is really all that matters to anyone. Do you care about me?
Is a Rich and Satisfying Life Even Possible?

Most of us are searching and striving for a life of peace and joy, which always seems just out of reach. Perhaps we will be satisfied when we get a new job, find a husband, or move… Maybe life will be better when we finally have children… or when they finally reach the next stage, get out of the house, or at last, (Lord, please!) are set free of their sickness or sin….
3 Steps to Love Yourself Better

What if we are hard on our kids because we are hard on ourselves?
New Year, New Closet

Every garden needs to be weeded on a regular basis, but there are times when it needs a complete tilling. Your closet is no different. If you have been staying up on your wardrobe, discarding, giving and removing items that do not suit your style, then you may not need to join us in our complete clean out today.
3 Questions that Make Life Good Again

In the beginning, God created man and woman in His image and gave them a mission to enjoy His creation, reign over it and fill the Earth with lots of offspring. But they got distracted by a snake.
Very Good Gone Bad

In the beginning, by the word of His mouth, God created the heavens and the Earth and all that was in them. His grand finale – and the purpose of it all – was man and woman, created in His image. And it was very good.
What is a Supreme MakeOver?

After more than three decades in cosmetology, I’ve learned a few “tricks of the trade” but my makeovers, and the confidence they seemed to offer, wear off. Supreme MakeOvers don’t.
Do You Cry Over Spilled Milk?

As a young adult renting my home, I wasn’t very concerned with how it looked. Once I owned a house, however, I took great pride in how clean, organized and decorated it was. My husband built our first home, so perhaps my experience of taking ownership is more drastic than yours, but suddenly I cared.
Confidence During Ugly Times

It’s the life-lessons that we struggle with the most that hold the deepest meaning–and make us most qualified to teach.

Generally, a chair is for sitting and shears are for cutting. Both items are designed for a purpose. More specifically, a salon chair is for styling hair and office shears are for cutting paper. Your design gives insight to your purpose. Likewise, you could define your own purpose in general terms or more specifically. While your general purpose has a significance in this world, if you do not recognize your individual design, you may not recognize your specific purpose.