How Grief Taught me Joy

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Today would have been my baby girl’s twentieth birthday. With each year since her passing, we think of all the milestones she would have accomplished had we been granted the […]

What’s so Good About This Friday?

There is a common saying amongst Christians who believe the message of Easter: “It may be Friday, but Sunday’s-a-coming!”
 Good Friday marks the day Jesus died to pay for the […]

Mourning Turned to Eternal Joy

This weekend marks the anniversary of our daughter’s death. Rebecca was a Trisomy 18 baby who’s three weeks of life far exceeded the doctor’s expectations. If you have ever lost […]

Needing Others

When a child suffers or dies, caring people are affected. It doesn’t have to be your child, or your family member for you to feel the grief. If you care, […]

Don’t Waist Your Pain

Today would have been my baby’s 13th birthday had God granted her the time. He didn’t; He gave her only three quick weeks of life. Shattered dreams leave deep wounds […]