Tag: Grief

  • Finding Strength to Embrace your Challenge


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    During the painful seasons of life, we are more sensitive than usual. Like a physical wound that stings with the slightest touch, emotional wounds may make us susceptible to road rage or irrational tears. Difficult times also make us more sensitive to the spiritual realm. Loosing my daughter was certainly one of the most difficult…

  • How Grief Taught me Joy

    How Grief Taught me Joy


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    Today would have been my baby girl’s twentieth birthday. With each year since her passing, we think of all the milestones she would have accomplished had we been granted the privilege of raising her into adulthood like our other children.  It’s hard to imagine Rebecca  as anything except a beautiful, delicate newborn.  Her fifth birthday…

  • Finding Strength in the Confidence Conflicts


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    Not all Confidence Conflicts are Beauty Battles. Attacks on our identity come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. Most of these conflicts are mountains–whether we made them out of molehills or not. Nineteen years ago today, my husband and I faced one of our biggest mountains: the loss of our daughter. Grief is a…

  • Easter Changes Everything


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    Imagine how the friends of Jesus felt after His crucifixion. They were so sure He was the Messiah, the One sent to become their king and free them from Rome. He called Himself the Way, the Truth and the Life, yet the reality was, He just suffered a brutal death! Faith: the substance of things hoped…

  • How the Beauty of Autumn can Help Us Survive Change

    How the Beauty of Autumn can Help Us Survive Change



    Change is hard.  In fact, most of us struggle with any major alterations in our lives. It is especially difficult when it’s unexpected, unwanted and we have not yet had to make extreme adjustments in our lives before. This is evident when we see how difficult this election has been for so many millennials. Consider the first…

  • 3 Methods of Managing Stress Confidently

    3 Methods of Managing Stress Confidently


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    Summer is officially here. School’s out, kids are home, trips are being planned, company is coming… there’s more daylight in our busy days, so why not do more, right? As a Native Cape Codder, I always keep a bathing suit and towel in the trunk of my car during the summer–just in case there’s a moment…

  • 5 Lessons from a Boat Wreck

    5 Lessons from a Boat Wreck



    We were enjoying a beautiful brunch overlooking the deep Caribbean Sea when suddenly the cruise ship began to shake with the force of an unanticipated change in speed and direction. It seemed as though something was wrong, but as we looked around the other guests didn’t seem concerned. “Is that a buoy out there?” I asked…

  • The Beauty of Easter

    The Beauty of Easter


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    If you have ever had one, you know how all-consuming the pain can be. There are few things that can stop a woman in her tracks like a full-blown migraine. Of course, there are plenty of things that are all-consuming and do slow us down a lot. Like broken relationships, fear, rejection and the big…

  • How to Dress for Tragedies, Trials and Temptations

    How to Dress for Tragedies, Trials and Temptations

    You have come to the top of a mountain peek; the only way to continue on your journey is to navigate your way down the steep slope and over to the next lift. You have three choices: Just do it. Take off your skis, walk back to the last lift and risk your life trying…

  • When Words Crush Your Spirit

    When Words Crush Your Spirit

    “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Injuries can crush the body. When someone strikes us, we hurt. The stronger our physical body, the less likely the damage, of course, but there is no question that sticks and stones can break our bones. And when we are injured, no…

  • No One Should Experience Devastation Feeling Invisible

    No One Should Experience Devastation Feeling Invisible


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    Every one of us has felt invisible at some point in our lives or another. Whether it was at a party full of strangers, in the middle of the grocery store or in the privacy of our own home when our brothers got all the attention or our husband is distracted.Our lives may center around…

  • 3 Ways to Handle Life’s Devastations

    3 Ways to Handle Life’s Devastations


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    One thing that  never ceases to amaze me is how many life lessons suddenly appear whenever there is something to teach. “when the student is ready, the teacher will appear” “Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.”   James 3:1 My…