3 Questions that Make Life Good Again

In the beginning, God created man and woman in His image and gave them a mission to enjoy His creation, reign over it and fill the Earth with lots of offspring. But they got distracted by a snake.
Very Good Gone Bad

In the beginning, by the word of His mouth, God created the heavens and the Earth and all that was in them. His grand finale – and the purpose of it all – was man and woman, created in His image. And it was very good.
3 Poor Places to Look for Self-worth

Perhaps it’s time we look to the KING OF KINGS for our true identity and start acting like a PRINCESS again.
The Only True Source of Confidence

Life may never be the same after this pandemic, but it sure is good to get back into the salons, even if it’s so much less personal! It’s just easier to cope with all the changes when our nails are finished and our hair is good, isn’t it? Achieving beauty is one way we attempt to become confident. Success, wisdom, popularity and strength are other powerful sources for self-esteem. Yet, the moment someone outshines, undermines, devalues or corrects us, we will likely feel defeated, diminished, devalued.
The Best Solution to Discrimination

Racial discrimination is a serious problem, but prejudice isn’t limited to color or culture. People always “judge a book by its cover,” this is a fact of life. If we are honest, we all make visual assessments and prideful assumptions based on personal experiences and preferences all the time.
The Most Common Question

The Covid-19 stay-at-home-order has put us all in casual dress mode. I can’t remember the last time I dressed up–even our Easter photo opt. proved to be casual (at least from the waist down!). My daughter didn’t even have dress shoes since she left college during her spring break, unprepared to come home for the year.
3 Reasons Beauty is Dangerous

Most women don’t have Confident Beauty because they compare themselves to other styles, but if you have ever been mistreated because of your appearance, you know that Image Issues are more complicated […]
Do You Have a Laid-back, Casual Kid?

Some children are very calm, cool and collected. Every two-year-old has their tantrums, but some kids are less concerned about getting their way. Casual children are laidback and tend to […]
Is your Child Charming and Compassionate?

Some children are very sensitive about what others feel. Kids don’t always notice what is going on around them.They are usually too busy playing or dreaming to recognize what someone […]
Kids with Petite Figures May Be this Style

Children are generally sweet. Kids aren’t hostile or defensive; they don’t guard their heart until they have been hurt. Instead, they trust people and they believe what is said to […]