Does Your Image Speak Truth?

Your outfit could be completely undermining your credibility. How you dress is an indication of who you are and how you care about yourself, which in turn shows us how you will or will not care about others… which is really all that matters to anyone. Do you care about me?
New Year, New Closet

Every garden needs to be weeded on a regular basis, but there are times when it needs a complete tilling. Your closet is no different. If you have been staying up on your wardrobe, discarding, giving and removing items that do not suit your style, then you may not need to join us in our complete clean out today.
Do You Cry Over Spilled Milk?

As a young adult renting my home, I wasn’t very concerned with how it looked. Once I owned a house, however, I took great pride in how clean, organized and decorated it was. My husband built our first home, so perhaps my experience of taking ownership is more drastic than yours, but suddenly I cared.
Discover Personal Branding–Like Susan Boyle

More than 4,500 athletes, the Queen of England and 40,000 fans will all gather for tonight’s opening ceremony of the 20th Commonwealth Games in Glasgow city’s Celtic Park where Britain’s Got Talent’s Susan Boyle will be one of the performers.
3 Tips for Handling Stay at Home Stress

When I’m stressed, I shut down and shut up. The term tongue-tied may mean one thing to you, but to me, it is a perfect metaphor for how I feel when I am hurting. Even when I want to talk, the words are held captive. It doesn’t matter how quiet I am, however, my body language still speaks loudly. Usually what it’s saying is, “Leave me alone!”
Three Tips for Helping Children with Stress

When I was a little girl, if I was stressed, I hid. I remember the day my mom and aunt were making me dresses for kindergarten. All the changing and posing so […]
Do You Have a Laid-back, Casual Kid?

Some children are very calm, cool and collected. Every two-year-old has their tantrums, but some kids are less concerned about getting their way. Casual children are laidback and tend to […]
Is your Child Charming and Compassionate?

Some children are very sensitive about what others feel. Kids don’t always notice what is going on around them.They are usually too busy playing or dreaming to recognize what someone […]
Kids with Petite Figures May Be this Style

Children are generally sweet. Kids aren’t hostile or defensive; they don’t guard their heart until they have been hurt. Instead, they trust people and they believe what is said to […]
Confident Classic Kids
Children are like sponges Kids soak up anything they can lean because knowledge is an innate human desire. For some, however, learning is more than a desire. Typically, the Classic […]