Tag: life

  • A Partial Reflection of God

    Pure beauty is healing; that is why we send flowers to the grieving heart. It is powerful. It is meant to inspire others to become better, stronger and more relaxed and confident; that is why we vacation in beautiful resorts. Your beauty should bring peace, joy and energy to others. That is what Eve’s beauty…

  • Leaving Impressions


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    A couple years ago I consolidated and published some short stories I had written after loosing my daughter; I titled it Footprints Through the Sand. I feel that often the challenges we face are part of our life’s purpose in leaving an imprint for someone else to follow. I’m sure you have read the poem…

  • Balancing Confidence Conflicts

    Have you ever been thrown off balance by a distorted understanding of truth? It’s easy to take one side of the truth or the other and blow it out of proportion. When we believe a distorted truth, we can be left off balance and confused … and it is not beautiful to live a  stressed…

  • God’s Comfort to our Friends and Family


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     What an honor it was to be interviewed by talk show host Kellie Peterson of  Everyday Wisdom for Families this morning. Whether you got to hear it or not, I’d love to share with you the poem I read to her listeners. This is a word God gave to me one night after laying Rebecca down…

  • The Great Pursuit


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    This Tuesday’s Tip? You can find it in both Psalms 34:14 and 1 Peter 3:11: Seek Peace and Pursue it.  it’s a phrase I’ve come to love and use often to encourage others with when they are doing too much. I figure anything God repeats in His Word is worth repeating to each other.  …

  • The Law of Balance



    Can we talk a little bit more about “Jesus the Time Manager”? It seems to me that knowing we need to engage more in other people’s lives is not enough; we need to know how to develop the skills it takes to listen and care for them. Not that I think caring for others is…