Is a Rich and Satisfying Life Even Possible?

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Most of us are searching and striving for a life of peace and joy, which always seems just out of reach. Perhaps we will be satisfied when we get a new job, find a husband, or move… Maybe life will be better when we finally have children… or when they finally reach the next stage, get out of the house, or at last, (Lord, please!) are set free of their sickness or  sin….

Very Good Gone Bad

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In the beginning, by the word of His mouth, God created the heavens and the Earth and all that was in them. His grand finale – and the purpose of it all – was man and woman, created in His image. And it was very good.

Do You Cry Over Spilled Milk?

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As a young adult renting my home, I wasn’t very concerned with how it looked. Once I owned a house, however, I took great pride in how clean, organized and decorated it was. My husband built our first home, so perhaps my experience of taking ownership is more drastic than yours, but suddenly I cared.

New Beginnings

New Beginnings 2021 CB Blog

There is something about a fresh start that is truly inspirational. The pandemic has stretched us all but, somehow, the start of a new year–even if it still requires facial coverings and social distancing–is a breath of fresh air. 2020 changed our perspective on life in many ways. Between the shut downs, protests, politics, loss and threats of sickness, we have all done a little soul searching. Although most of us would typically be setting goals and making resolutions right now, it seems that, this January, we simply want to start over.

The Only True Source of Confidence 2

Life may never be the same after this pandemic, but it sure is good to get back into the salons, even if it’s so much less personal! It’s just easier to cope with all the changes when our nails are finished and our hair is good, isn’t it? Achieving beauty is one way we attempt to become confident. Success, wisdom, popularity and strength are other powerful sources for self-esteem. Yet, the moment someone outshines, undermines, devalues or corrects us, we will likely feel defeated, diminished, devalued.

3 Tips for Handling Stay at Home Stress

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When I’m stressed,  I shut down and shut up. The term tongue-tied may mean one thing to you, but to me, it is a perfect metaphor for how I feel when I am hurting. Even when I want to talk, the words are held captive. It doesn’t matter how quiet I am, however, my body language still  speaks loudly. Usually what it’s saying is, “Leave me alone!”

Confidently Content

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I grew up in an extravagant home on Cape Cod. When I was eleven, my family made a major change and pursued a secluded life in Maine. The adventure in the deep woods without the luxuries  we were used to reformed the character of each of us. Since we had nothing and knew no one, we cultivated tight and true relationships with one another. It was then that our faith became a true and important part of our lives

3 Reasons Beauty is Dangerous

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Most women don’t have Confident Beauty because they compare themselves to other styles, but if you have ever been mistreated because of your appearance, you know that Image Issues are more complicated […]

The Power of Beauty

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This is school vacation week in New England. Many families are getting away for a time of refreshing and renewal. A break from the bitter cold and brutal winds can […]