Tag: relationships

  • Favor is Deceitful – 3 Reasons Why

    Favor is Deceitful – 3 Reasons Why


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    In honor of all the moms who have ever had a child turn on them and say, “I hate you!” I dedicate this blog to you. God’s Word  is a lot like a fire hydrant: far more powerful than a refreshing drink of water. Perhaps this is what Jesus was alluding to when He told…

  • 3 Tips for Handling Stay at Home Stress

    3 Tips for Handling Stay at Home Stress

    When I’m stressed,  I shut down and shut up. The term tongue-tied may mean one thing to you, but to me, it is a perfect metaphor for how I feel when I am hurting. Even when I want to talk, the words are held captive. It doesn’t matter how quiet I am, however, my body language…

  • Raising Confident Kids

    Raising Confident Kids

    With the first hospital visit, adults begin “speaking life” over your baby:  She’s beautiful! He’s so big! As children grow, we naturally announce and affirm each progression of their development: Look how he holds his head up. She took her first step! A healthy self-esteem is encouraged.  Every child comes into this world with the need to know their…

  • Is Woman Inferior to Man?

    Is Woman Inferior to Man?


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    Your world view is greatly determined by the way you answer this important question. Men and women are equal. This world view may show itself in a lot of striving to prove our equality. When favoritism is shown or life seems unfair, it is only natural to fight for our rights. Any weaker party should be given…

  • Are you Influential?

    Are you Influential?

    Ambitious. Hard-working. Multi-tasking–these words describe most  women in today’s culture. Dreamers, with great desires for ourselves and our families. We are strong and courageous and are willing to give up so that others can get. Women are influential As emotional and relational beings, our mood sets the atmosphere around us. When we are peaceful, others relax. When…

  • Do You Accept Rejection?


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    In every conversation, every glance your way, each test you take or act you perform, there will always be the nagging questions about your identity, purpose, power and value: Who am I? Why am I here? Am I enough? Am I too much? Does my life even matter? These questions about our significance may be…

  • Can You Help Ugly Become Beautiful?


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    If you have ever heard of the Proverbs 31 woman, you know she is amazing. She is someone we all want to be, she does it all, has it all, makes it all, and IS it all! She is the wise, ambitious, strong, organized woman of God who loves her husband, children, and servants. She honors,…

  • Never Neglect Doing This for your Skin



    If you are like most women, you may very well skip this one important step in your self-care regiment. After all, it does seem a bit frivolous and there’s already a lot to do to get ready for the day. You take the time to clean your face, and surely you use a moisturizer before…

  • Are You Confident in your Parenting Style?


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    There is no other role like that of being a mother. What an honor and privilege it is to mold the life of a child. There are a lot of powerful things we can do as women, but no accomplishment, position, friendship, or success could ever hold a candle to the power of the influence…

  • 5 Practices for Overcoming Self-Consciousness


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    It seems obvious that the tendency to compare your life with others’ is second nature and cannot be stopped. No wonder the social media has created such an epidemic of self-consciousness. With each visit to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest… we find ourselves faced with the temptation to compare our lives to the pictures we see. We…

  • Easter Changes Everything


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    Imagine how the friends of Jesus felt after His crucifixion. They were so sure He was the Messiah, the One sent to become their king and free them from Rome. He called Himself the Way, the Truth and the Life, yet the reality was, He just suffered a brutal death! Faith: the substance of things hoped…



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    Today I share with you a special guest blog that I wrote for my friend Rachel Britton, who asked me to testify about becoming bold in the journey of life. My son’s addiction had a way of training me in boldness. I hope this story is an encouragement to you. Please share with anyone you…