Tag: shopping

  • Building Confidence by Keeping Christmas Unfair

    Building Confidence by Keeping Christmas Unfair


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    “I found this on Flyp and just have to get this for little Tommy, he will just love it! Now I need to get something more for Suzzie or he will have more than she does.” My parents didn’t keep Christmas fair for their five children. I’m sure they were tempted to, and I’m sure…

  • Never Shop for Clothes Naked or Needy

    Never Shop for Clothes Naked or Needy

    5 Steps to Prevent Impulsive Shopping It is never wise to grocery shop when you are hungry because your cravings can get the best of your budget. Your family may love all the junk food you bring home but, after the sugar high drops, they’ll be disappointed when you cannot put together a complete meal…

  • Shop Like a Man: Guilt-Free

    I did it again! I forgot to buy cereal, yet there I was trying to make the room for all the other groceries I didn’t need. I suppose I could get up early and make my kids eggs in the morning since now I have over two dozen! Anyone with any knowledge of budgeting knows…

  • When Weight Conflicts with Confidence

    One of the leading causes for a chaotic closet is weight fluctuation. Who wants to wear clothing that does not fit correctly? Pulled and puckered fabric draws attention to bulges; loose and hanging clothing gives an impression of insecurity and inadequacy. Either problem creates a self-consciousness that can easily be prevented with properly sized garments.…