Tag: stay at home mom

  • The Most Common Question

    The Most Common Question

    The Covid-19 stay-at-home-order has put us all in casual dress mode. I can’t remember the last time I dressed up–even our Easter photo opt. proved to be casual (at least from the waist down!).  My daughter didn’t even have dress shoes since she left college during her spring break, unprepared to come home for the…

  • 3 Tips for Handling Stay at Home Stress

    3 Tips for Handling Stay at Home Stress

    When I’m stressed,  I shut down and shut up. The term tongue-tied may mean one thing to you, but to me, it is a perfect metaphor for how I feel when I am hurting. Even when I want to talk, the words are held captive. It doesn’t matter how quiet I am, however, my body language…

  • 3 Tips for Doing Hair at Home (or Not)

    Just before the Covid19 social distancing order, I had gone on a self-care kick. It seemed that the stressful situations my family was facing were over and a spa day would help relieve the tension I was still carrying. Who would have thought that this stay at home order would last more than two weeks?…

  • Is it Better to Be a Good Mother or a Grand Mother?

    Is it Better to Be a Good Mother or a Grand Mother?

    With my last child leaving the nest  and a granddaughter on the way, I am often told that it is more fun to be a grandmother than a mom.  Mothers typically find their identity in their relationships–especially with their children. I’ve gained three important insights on motherhood: Moms have tremendous influence on the life of a child. Our kids lives…

  • Let Him In Your Boat



    There are three accounts in the Gospels that tell the story of Jesus walking on water. Matthew (in chapter 14), Mark (in chapter 6) and John (in chapter 6) each give their viewpoint of what happened that amazing day. The disciples were in a boat in the middle of the sea during a raging storm…

  • To Stay or Not to Stay at Home


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      There is a familiar debate rising in our society after Hilary Rosen’s comments last week about Ann Romney saying, she “has actually never worked a day in her life.” Many stay at home moms are insulted. Once again our nation is fighting out the question: does a stay-at-home-mom work? Is she less of a…