New Beginnings

There is something about a fresh start that is truly inspirational. The pandemic has stretched us all but, somehow, the start of a new year–even if it still requires facial coverings and social distancing–is a breath of fresh air. 2020 changed our perspective on life in many ways. Between the shut downs, protests, politics, loss and threats of sickness, we have all done a little soul searching. Although most of us would typically be setting goals and making resolutions right now, it seems that, this January, we simply want to start over.
Illusions: Dressing the Neck
Clothing lines create illusions. The choices we make with our attire will either bring balance to our image or draw attention to our disproportions. What […]
Illusions: More Tummy Talk
When you stood sideways in a mirror, was your silhouette widest at the waist? Then you have a rounded waist. Some of last week’s advice above may be very helpful […]
Illusions: Tummy Talk
Did you know that if you take the measurements of the Barbie doll and scaled them to life-size, she would be over 6 feet tall, weigh around 100 pounds, […]