Tag: trisomy 18

  • Seek Peace and Pursue It



    Rebecca would have been 25 today. Although we have never been able to be with our daughter for any of her birthdays, we still celebrate her quick and powerful life each year. We cook a fish dinner and give our other children gifts as we recall God’s faithfulness to us through all these years. Every…

  • Finding Hope in Difficult Times

    As a woman who has faced many storms in life, I am often asked, “If God is so good, why doesn’t He keep you from these difficult circumstances?” My answer is, “He is so good that He keeps me through them.” Storms happen Storm:  a disturbed state of environment, marked by significant disruptions to normal…

  • Finding Strength to Embrace your Challenge


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    During the painful seasons of life, we are more sensitive than usual. Like a physical wound that stings with the slightest touch, emotional wounds may make us susceptible to road rage or irrational tears. Difficult times also make us more sensitive to the spiritual realm. Loosing my daughter was certainly one of the most difficult…

  • How Grief Taught me Joy

    How Grief Taught me Joy


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    Today would have been my baby girl’s twentieth birthday. With each year since her passing, we think of all the milestones she would have accomplished had we been granted the privilege of raising her into adulthood like our other children.  It’s hard to imagine Rebecca  as anything except a beautiful, delicate newborn.  Her fifth birthday…

  • Easter Changes Everything


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    Imagine how the friends of Jesus felt after His crucifixion. They were so sure He was the Messiah, the One sent to become their king and free them from Rome. He called Himself the Way, the Truth and the Life, yet the reality was, He just suffered a brutal death! Faith: the substance of things hoped…

  • When Looking Good is the Last Concern

    When Looking Good is the Last Concern


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    If you ever want to find out if you have Image Issues, go skiing in extremely cold conditions and see if you care how you look. Last weekend’s fierce winds brought the wind-chill factor down to a negative twenty-five degrees, but that didn’t take into account the wet snow on my exposed cheeks. It was…

  • Finding Purpose in Pain

    Finding Purpose in Pain


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    I had just laid my newborn baby down to rest and knew I should close my eyes until she needed me again, but I couldn’t resist the overwhelming urge to write the thoughts that were running through my head. It was strange, the words I was hearing were directed to me, not from me. It was  as…

  • How the Beauty of Autumn can Help Us Survive Change

    How the Beauty of Autumn can Help Us Survive Change



    Change is hard.  In fact, most of us struggle with any major alterations in our lives. It is especially difficult when it’s unexpected, unwanted and we have not yet had to make extreme adjustments in our lives before. This is evident when we see how difficult this election has been for so many millennials. Consider the first…

  • God is Bigger than the challenges we Face

    God is Bigger than the challenges we Face


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    In memory of our Trisomy 18 baby, I offer the words God spoke to me one night before she died in 1999. May these words be an encouragement to you and your’s during whatever trial you face. God’s Comfort to Our Family and Friends  by Catrina Welch This child is my gift to you, like a…

  • How to Dress for Tragedies, Trials and Temptations

    How to Dress for Tragedies, Trials and Temptations

    You have come to the top of a mountain peek; the only way to continue on your journey is to navigate your way down the steep slope and over to the next lift. You have three choices: Just do it. Take off your skis, walk back to the last lift and risk your life trying…

  • Building Confidence by Keeping Christmas Unfair

    Building Confidence by Keeping Christmas Unfair


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    “I found this on Flyp and just have to get this for little Tommy, he will just love it! Now I need to get something more for Suzzie or he will have more than she does.” My parents didn’t keep Christmas fair for their five children. I’m sure they were tempted to, and I’m sure…

  • Comfort for all Seasons


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    Rebecca went to be with Jesus when she was three weeks old. It feels a bit disloyalty to imagine her growing up because in my heart she will always be a baby. Don’t get me wrong, as much as I wish I were planning a sweet 16 party for her this week, I’ve found it…