Are you Influential?

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Ambitious. Hard-working. Multi-tasking–these words describe most  women in today’s culture. Dreamers, with great desires for ourselves and our families. We are strong and courageous and are willing to give up so that […]

The Mature Classic Woman

By definition, anything classic is the definitive, authoritative, long-lasting example. A Classic wardrobe is exactly that– at least for the professional look–just think of how long the blazer has been […]

The Beauty of Branding your Image 

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It’s not just Hollywood that sets fashion trends. With so many of us bloggers posting opinions on which fashions to follow, it’s no wonder so many women deliberate over what […]

What’s Your Brand?

Branding is a powerful marketing tool in the business world. One glance at the Starbucks logo and you can almost smell the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Why? Because the […]

Are Cliques Bad?

Cliques. Nobody likes them unless they are them. Girlfriends who are having a good time together can (purposely or unmindfully) snub those around them, and if you are the one […]

Take Care of You

I love to analyze women. I love to assess which style of beauty they are and teach them what not to wear. I love to consider their personality and encourage […]

Let Him In Your Boat

There are three accounts in the Gospels that tell the story of Jesus walking on water. Matthew (in chapter 14), Mark (in chapter 6) and John (in chapter 6) each […]

Walking on Water

Oh, what I would do to have the kind of faith it takes to step out of this boat I’m in, onto the crashing waves…   Maybe you remember the […]

To Stay or Not to Stay at Home

  There is a familiar debate rising in our society after Hilary Rosen’s comments last week about Ann Romney saying, she “has actually never worked a day in her life.” […]