Category: Faith

  • A Partial Reflection of God

    Pure beauty is healing; that is why we send flowers to the grieving heart. It is powerful. It is meant to inspire others to become better, stronger and more relaxed and confident; that is why we vacation in beautiful resorts. Your beauty should bring peace, joy and energy to others. That is what Eve’s beauty…

  • The Great Pursuit


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    This Tuesday’s Tip? You can find it in both Psalms 34:14 and 1 Peter 3:11: Seek Peace and Pursue it.  it’s a phrase I’ve come to love and use often to encourage others with when they are doing too much. I figure anything God repeats in His Word is worth repeating to each other.  …

  • Tuesday’s Tip: UNnagging


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    The heart of my ministry to women throughout the years has mostly been about teaching women to cast their cares on the One who cares for them, to do what it takes to meet their own needs, and to have a cheerful heart toward their responsibilities to their loved ones. Women were designed to help…

  • To Stay or Not to Stay at Home


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      There is a familiar debate rising in our society after Hilary Rosen’s comments last week about Ann Romney saying, she “has actually never worked a day in her life.” Many stay at home moms are insulted. Once again our nation is fighting out the question: does a stay-at-home-mom work? Is she less of a…