Category: Life

  • Encouragement in an Identity Crisis

    This could be a story about you. Perhaps your losing your hair, have a major skin problem, are cross-eyed or confined to a wheelchair. This could be a story about a friend or family member, who’s Image Issue is not outwardly apparent to most, but is weighing on your heart because you know about her eating disorder,…

  • Sea-Saw of Confidence

    Most women HATE, HIDE or get HUNG UP on their appearance. Who doesn’t hate certain parts and pieces of how they look? This is why so many of us hide under big, baggy sweatshirts, heavy makeup or hair coloring. Some women love their appearance–or at least they have a way of persuading their audience that…

  • Aging with Confidence


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    This Forth of July I hit the big 5-0. People keep telling me that It’s just another number, but it’s a bit of a Confidence Conflict right now and hearing, “it’s no big deal” doesn’t really help.  True that a birthday really only makes us  one day older, but reaching a new decade is difficult. Aging and body-image As…

  • What Makes You Valuable?

    Since the beginning of time, every young child has had an innate longing to find the answer to one very important question. With each new experience, interaction and lesson of life, she collects data and applies it toward her answer. Somewhere around the teen years, she hits info-overwhelm. Like a cluttered desk, all that she…

  • The Beauty of a Dream


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    What do you want to do with your life? Are you actively pursuing your dream, have you put it on hold or given up on it completely? My dream ignited when I was a teen; I wanted to write a book. At first, the idea was faint and unemotional and throughout the years the title…

  • 9 Steps to a Complete Closet Clean Out

    Has your clothing closet become a junk room? When you look for an outfit for the day, is it easy? Or is your wardrobe crowded with clutter and chaos cause that cause your daily ritual to become a stressful decision? Let’s be honest, most mornings we do not wear the first outfit we pick. Not…

  • When Transitions Take FOREVER


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    It’s Memorial Day Weekend. A lot of preparations have been happening on Cape Cod to prepare for the start of our busy season. Many businesses have reopened, restaurants have restocked and summer homes have been completed.  Yet, as the tourists arrive, the excitement is clouded because the warm weather has not yet made it’s full…

  • Do Ashes Cover your Beauty?

    My nieces were leaning on the edges of their seats, intrigued by the age-old story of Cinderella. My daughter was playing the role of the mistreated orphan who didn’t give up when life dealt her difficulties. Watching her performance through the eyes of the children had me reminiscing of the days when Tori’s  dream of being…

  • Are You Confident in your Parenting Style?


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    There is no other role like that of being a mother. What an honor and privilege it is to mold the life of a child. There are a lot of powerful things we can do as women, but no accomplishment, position, friendship, or success could ever hold a candle to the power of the influence…

  • Hate the Dark, Bumpy Circles Around your Eyes?

    The next time you wash your face, pay attention to your eyes. Your daily routine may be the reason for the dark, bumpy skin that circles your eyes and causes you Confidence Conflicts. A simple change in that routine could be the very thing that fixes the problem. We naturally protect our eyes. When any…

  • How Rhythm Affects Confidence

    Consider the weather patterns and the cycles of seasons. The ocean’s tides ebb and flow aw the moon waxes and wanes. We literally schedule our lives around by the rhythm of nature. If there were ever a pause in the rising or setting of the sun, we would all panic. It’s not just your surroundings…

  • 5 Practices for Overcoming Self-Consciousness


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    It seems obvious that the tendency to compare your life with others’ is second nature and cannot be stopped. No wonder the social media has created such an epidemic of self-consciousness. With each visit to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest… we find ourselves faced with the temptation to compare our lives to the pictures we see. We…