Search results for: “Confident Closet “

  • 4 Criteria for Keeping your Clothes

    4 Criteria for Keeping your Clothes

    “I’ve got nothing to wear!” his wife whined while she starred down the full racks of clothes in her closet. “Where what you have on… or one of the many you just tried on that are laying on that chair.” Is there a woman in this world who has not faced this dilemma? We may…

  • 7 Steps to Branding your Image like Mark Zuckerberg

    7 Steps to Branding your Image like Mark Zuckerberg

    Mark Zuckerberg has the twitter world in an uproar over his difficult decision of What2Wear. Tens of thousands of people are commenting on this internet entrepreneur’s approach to fashion. Some called him creepy, obnoxious, arrogant, weird…. some even question whether he might be a psychopath! All because he has branded his image with extreme simplicity.…

  • Never Shop for Clothes Naked or Needy

    Never Shop for Clothes Naked or Needy

    5 Steps to Prevent Impulsive Shopping It is never wise to grocery shop when you are hungry because your cravings can get the best of your budget. Your family may love all the junk food you bring home but, after the sugar high drops, they’ll be disappointed when you cannot put together a complete meal…

  • 7 tips for Finding a Great Outfit Quick

    7 tips for Finding a Great Outfit Quick

    Most women make shopping an experience. We enjoy going with our girlfriends and try on lots of potential pieces for our wardrobe. Even if we have no need for clothes. The dressing room halls become our runway as we model for each other’s opinions before we make our decision: to spend or not to spend–this…

  • Can You Inherit Confidence?

    I had just begun my journey as a single mom when my grandmother died. I’d been working hard to build a business to support myself and my son and felt like I was getting no where. Winter was coming and I had two new bodies to clothe–my newborn and my new figure. That was long…

  • Shop Like a Man: Guilt-Free

    I did it again! I forgot to buy cereal, yet there I was trying to make the room for all the other groceries I didn’t need. I suppose I could get up early and make my kids eggs in the morning since now I have over two dozen! Anyone with any knowledge of budgeting knows…

  • What is Your Purchasing Theme?

    I love dark chocolate. If my secret stock of it ever starts getting scarce, I hit the market–immediately, before I run out and have a crisis. The funny thing is, I never lack chocolate because I buy it all the time and seldom allow myself the indulgence of eating it. You may roll your eyes at…

  • When Weight Conflicts with Confidence

    One of the leading causes for a chaotic closet is weight fluctuation. Who wants to wear clothing that does not fit correctly? Pulled and puckered fabric draws attention to bulges; loose and hanging clothing gives an impression of insecurity and inadequacy. Either problem creates a self-consciousness that can easily be prevented with properly sized garments.…

  • How to do a Wardrobe Weeding

    Of all the outfits you wore last week, which one made you feel most confident and why?  If you followed my closet audit advice and picked out your favorite clothing items, did you notice any common traits between them? The color, pattern, fabric–what makes you feel good in what you wear? Is it the high-fashion statement pieces? Or…

  •  Worried about What to Wear?

    People change. We change our size, weight, careers and opinions all the time. Why, then, is it so difficult to change our wardrobe? We don’t mind adding to  what we have but we are not nearly as eager to get rid of anything extra. We complain that we do not have all that we need but…

  • Color, Confidence and Seasonal Palettes

    Basically, there are four seasonal palettes of color—Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter. Your eye color, clarity and pattern of your eye structure, as well as the skin undertone (not its color), and the contrasts of these aspects with your hair (again, not necessarily the color) are all factors in deciding which season you are. In order…

  • Color, Confidence and Skin Tone

    How well does what you wear compliment your hair, skin and eye coloring? Maybe you don’t like your coloring and have played with hair dye only to find you are now frustrated in trying to make your make up blend or your outfits look right. Maybe you love soft, warm colors but always feel pasty…