Tag: confidence

  • Ingénue video

    Often mistaken as naive, young or innocent, the Ingénue is actually a very strong woman. She may have a girlish figure and a high voice, but don’t let that be confused for youth or ignorance! Like the Baby’s Breath that first appears to be a small flower but is actually a very strong bush, the…

  • Ingénue, the Delicate Beauty

    Ingénue, the Delicate Beauty

    Some women have a sweet, innocent nature that brings with it a quality of freshness that does not threaten others, but uplifts them and inspires them. These women have a gentle strength that is like a breath of fresh air in our otherwise stressed and striving world. The Ingénue, like the Baby’s Breath, is the…

  • Finding Strength to Embrace your Challenge


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    During the painful seasons of life, we are more sensitive than usual. Like a physical wound that stings with the slightest touch, emotional wounds may make us susceptible to road rage or irrational tears. Difficult times also make us more sensitive to the spiritual realm. Loosing my daughter was certainly one of the most difficult…

  • 3 Reasons Confidence will Help you Succeed


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    Recently, I was asked to give a thirty-second synopsis of what I have learned about: The Key to being successful as a creative. I wanted to laugh and reply with the very same question to the one who was asking me! Thankfully, I had a moment to recognized that my initial response before I had to…

  • Romantic Beauty

    In honor of Valentine’s Day, I post a quick overview of the Romantic Clothing Personality, which I call the Glamorous Beauty. To take my FREE quiz and learn your  Image Identity, click here. ***** I call my image consultations “Supreme MakeOver” (or SMO) because it changes so much more than a person’s appearance; it teaches…

  • Abnormal, or Impressive? 

    When a new baby arrives into this world, there are two very important numbers that are included in the birth announcement: weight and length. Does size really matter? Perhaps we announce the size of our child because the pounds and inches tell the story of labor and delivery.  Perhaps the numbers are important because they…

  • Is Woman Inferior to Man?

    Is Woman Inferior to Man?


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    Your world view is greatly determined by the way you answer this important question. Men and women are equal. This world view may show itself in a lot of striving to prove our equality. When favoritism is shown or life seems unfair, it is only natural to fight for our rights. Any weaker party should be given…

  • 3 Reasons Why Image is Such an Issue for Women

    3 Reasons Why Image is Such an Issue for Women

    According to David Garner’s survey on Body Image in America as reported in Phychlology Today: 56% of all women say they are dissatisfied with their overall appearance. 84% of women report dieting 14 % of women have been diagnosed with eating disorders- the majority  being underweight. 1.5% of women say they vomit for weight control, yet do not feel they…

  • Helping Kids Find Confidence

    Helping Kids Find Confidence



    I was only in third grade when my ministry to girls with Image Issues began. I remember coming home from school broken-hearted because one of my friends was being picked on for her weight. So what if some kids are heavy? I was skin and bones, is that wrong, too? Why are kids so mean?…

  • One Woman’s Journey to Find her True Image Identity

    Most women HATE, HIDE or get HUNG UP on their image at one point in their lives. For many, this is during the teenage years, but for some it’s at a very young age, for others it comes later in life. When we are hurting and our self image is down, we may lash out…

  • 5 Steps for Changing Habits 


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    Which body part do you wash first when showering? If you cannot answer to my silly question, don’t worry. I’m sure that the next time you start lathering up, you will notice that you have a very defined routine that is so deeply ingrained into a rhythm that you don’t even give showering a thought.…

  • What is your Personal Presence?


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    Many factors have made me hyper-sensitive to family dynamics recently: My pastor has been preaching a series on relationships, I am preparing for a mother / daughter event, I am finishing up a child’s book about the six styles of children, and most significantly, cancer has invaded my strong, influential father and I am getting a lot…