Tag: Ingenue

  • Beauty on Ice

    As my son finishes out his final year of high school, I find myself cherishing every moment before he leaves the nest. This is his last week of hockey and I am really going to miss it. I am grateful that, since childhood, my young man has had the strength and privilege to play many sports.…

  • How do you Cope with Confidence Conflicts?


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    Every little girls longs to be seen, heard and significant. From the moment she enters this world she looks to her parents for love and protection. But not all parents meet their daughters needs well. Many little girls do not have both parents sewing into their lives. Many are not there at all. Some are…

  • Does your Beauty Speak Authenticity?

    Women are like flowers. They are beautiful and their presence alone can create an atmosphere for those around them. Like all living creatures, flowers–and women–have various species. Some flowers are strong and colorful, others are simple and sweet. The style of their beauty determines the atmosphere that they create. A vase of wildflowers makes a…

  • Rainy Day Blue Jeans

    It’s another gloomy, rainy day on Cape Cod. Don’t wear your nice shoes or they may get ruined! What do you wear on a day like this? When the weather is beckoning sweatpants and slippers yet you need to look presentable, here is my advice: make it a jean day. The weather, can set the…

  • What Holds you Back from Wearing Makeup?

    There are three main reasons most women do not want to wear makeup: 1.They don’t like how it looks. 2.They don’t like how it feels. 3.They don’t know how to make it look good on them. If you are like the many women I have encountered who wish they could give themselves a makeover, then…

  • What is a Clothing Personality?

    Today’s blog is an excerpt from Chapter Seventeen of Confident Beauty in honor of Labor Day Weekend.   While most women want to understand their image and enjoy analyzing their body frame and facial features, I find that many of us put up a guard when it comes to assessing our personality. No one wants…

  • What Makes You Pound the Table and Weep?

    “What makes you pound the table and weep?” I ask this question often when I am trying to get to know a new group of women. I love to watch the expressions as the first participant speaks up. It’s like watching a field fire spread as each woman looks deep into her heart for what…

  • What is Your Purchasing Theme?

    I love dark chocolate. If my secret stock of it ever starts getting scarce, I hit the market–immediately, before I run out and have a crisis. The funny thing is, I never lack chocolate because I buy it all the time and seldom allow myself the indulgence of eating it. You may roll your eyes at…

  • Coming Out of the Closet

    Women with confident beauty are content with who they are. This does not mean that they have no need to improve, nor does it mean that there is nothing that they are ashamed of. In fact, they usually have a very good perspective of both their strengths and their weaknesses. Confidence is the ability to…

  • How to Give Your Closet an Audit

    Six seconds. That’s how much time you have to make a first impression. It is important that your image represent you well. Now and then we each need to do a Wardrobe Rehab. The best way to start this process is to take an audit: Who are you? What do you wear? What you do…

  • How to Balance your Facial-Shape with your Hairstyle

    Does your hairstyle draw others to the window of your soul? It should! If you want people to see you for who you really are, your image–hair and all–should bring their attention to your eyes. This is why the goal of any hairstyle should be to balance out any disproportions so that others can focus…

  • What 2 Wear Hair Tips

    As Memorial Day quickly approaches lots of women are ready for new summer hairstyles. For the past few Wednesdays my “What 2 Wear” tips have been about making good choices depending on your facial shape (and Img.ID of course!). So far we have gone over styles for the oval and square faces, but there are…