Tag: peace

  • The Power of an Introduction

    The Power of an Introduction

    We’ve all been in a situation where we feel uncomfortable. You arrive at a gathering at a new location and, looking around, you don’t see a single familiar face.  Age does not seem to discriminate against the desire to fit in. Young or old, we all want to belong. We can be completely comfortable with…

  • Here’s How a Crowded Closet Kills Confidence

    Here’s How a Crowded Closet Kills Confidence

    You are not the same person you were last year. Not emotionally, not physically. Chances are you are not the same financially either. You may have gained weight or lost it; your

  • Throw Away that Ugly Noose!

    Throw Away that Ugly Noose!

    Anyone who steps out of a nice, hot shower and puts on her old, dirty clothing is a fool. Yet we all do this from time to time. Okay, maybe not with our physical clothing, but when it comes to emotional garments, far too often we choose to wear that which is old and ugly.…

  • Are you Confident they Love You?

    Are you Confident they Love You?

    When my little boy was acting up, I would often ask, “Do you need a time-out or a hug?” I was learning the ropes of parenting as a single mom and I was never really sure how to discipline correctly. Sometimes kids act up because they are hungry or lonely. It’s hard to know what they…

  • Finding the Strength to be Weak

    Finding the Strength to be Weak


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    The committee members were ready to get started when I decided to quickly sprint across the banquet hall to grab my things before we sat down. I didn’t want to hold anyone up. That’s when I ate it. Humble pie–dance floor style.

  • Removing the Tags from the Garments of Your Identity


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    “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” The blind passion between Romeo and Juliet may have lead to tragedy, but this famous quote from William Shakespeare’s beautiful play made a valid point. Yes, we may be a product or our heritage, highly influenced by our environment and persuaded by our temperament, but…

  • He Desires Your Beauty

    In honor of Valentine’s Day and the “Celebration of True Love” that I just attended in RI, I would like to break down a small piece of a beautiful poem written thousands of years ago. For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord. Psalms 45:11 NLT Some scholars believe this…

  • Our Chaotic Responses to Compliments

    “YOU are ADORABLE!” These are the words we hear as little girls. Or new brides.  And perhaps again when we are pregnant and “glowing” or dressed up for a special occasion. “Thank you” would be the proper response, but tell us we look good when we don’t feel lovely and an inner struggle emerges. We…

  • Do You Fear the Future?


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    My world came to a holt last week. When someone you love is fighting for her life, it is hard to continue yours. Things that used to seem so important just don’t matter anymore. At the same time, priorities that used to be mundane begin to hold much more weight. It’s times like this when…

  • New Year, New You


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    Ready? Set? Go! Happy New Year! Don’t you just love the opportunity to start over? Today we  get ready to celebrate the closing of 2014. I’m sure your year, like ours, was full of devastations and dreams come true. Life is full of ups and downs and, undoubtably, next year’s race will have many mountains…

  • Renaissance Beauty

    It was a long, dreadful ride into the city. Unloading the car was a difficult task, and rolling the cart full of books across the massive exhibit hall to find our table was rather daunting, so when I hit a bump on the ramp and spilled my careful packed goods, I nearly lost all emotional…

  • Want an Extreme MakeOver?

    Women love makeovers… if they are watching them and not experiencing them, that is. Most of us would far rather glean ideas for improving our image by watching someone else’s transformation than by being put in the vulnerable position of undergoing the complete change ourselves. Wouldn’t you agree? I used to call my image assessment…